Evenin' All

Sunday January 22, 2012
Hi all

After suffering diminishing quality with my usual triple cartridge I took the plunge and kitted out for DE shaving. Burgins in York were really helpful and I bought a Kent Badger Brush, Derby blades and an Edwin Jagger. Crabtree and Evelyn for a Nomad soap and Lush for an after shave balm. Hot towel, soaped up and ready to rock; 3 pass as in a you-tube video and...not the closest shave ever but practice will tell.

Some 3 hours later my face feels like it's been sand-papered with a power-tool and boy does it hurt. The question is should I let my face rest for a couple of days or should I shave again tomorrow and just persist?

Many thanks

YorkNeil said:
me 3 hours later my face feels like it's been sand-papered with a power-tool and boy does it hurt. The question is should I let my face rest for a couple of days or should I shave again tomorrow and just persist?

Feels good before that kicks in though, doesn't it? I think that's what they call razor burn. I had that my first time - a couple of weeks back! I only shave every 2-3 days anyway, so I recover in time. If no-one else is listening here's my tip. Get most of the beard off with the DE... then sneak out the cartridge razor to clean up!
YorkNeil said:
Hi all

After suffering diminishing quality with my usual triple cartridge I took the plunge and kitted out for DE shaving. Burgins in York were really helpful and I bought a Kent Badger Brush, Derby blades and an Edwin Jagger. Crabtree and Evelyn for a Nomad soap and Lush for an after shave balm. Hot towel, soaped up and ready to rock; 3 pass as in a you-tube video and...not the closest shave ever but practice will tell.

Some 3 hours later my face feels like it's been sand-papered with a power-tool and boy does it hurt. The question is should I let my face rest for a couple of days or should I shave again tomorrow and just persist?

Many thanks


good look with the shaving, it might be you dont get on with that blade

you can buy a sample pack here for around £10 with 6 different blades


everyone here has there favorites, gillete 7oClocl yellows seem to be very popular here with most razor's

(ive only been using a de razor a short time but i find that i prefer Gillette to derby)
Use no pressure at all on the razor!I had the same when I started. May also be the blade you used didn't suit you. Just give it a couple of days rest and try again. Its takes awhile like any new skill but it is worth it... Welcome along!
I'd give it a couple of days to settle down then have a one pass with the grain shave. That's all I'd do & I try to imagine I was just shaving off the lather rather than mowing stubble. If you're used to carts it's probable that you're using similar pressure on the DE razor as you use on the cart. Maybe leave the 3 pass and against the grain stuff for a couple of weeks whilst you get happy with your technique & the density of the lather.
Enjoy the learning curve ............. it's well worth it.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
It could be the soap that's causing the problem. It was Crabtree and Evelyn's Nomad soap that got me razor burnt, probably the combination of soap and poor cushioning.

What you could do is try using a shaving cream, and just 1 pass, shaving with the grain only for a couple of weeks.
Hello Neil and welcome to TSR !
I have to admit that Derby blades and I never really got on , as other Forum members have already suggested , get yourself a sample of different blades from Connaught and enjoy the anticipation of how different blades are going to perform , to me that was great fun .
Hi Neil and welcome to the forum.
Less pressure maybe and try to find the correct angle where the blade slices, not scrapes, the hair.
It'll come though so persevere and maybe invest in some moisturising AS balm in the meantime.
Nivea's inexpensive and pretty good.
regards, beejay
Welcome to TSR Neil...Advice as JohnnyO sez...If you really must shave for work for example...Go back to the cartridge for a couple of days before trying again......The double edged system of shaving really is worthwhile.....once you get it right,your skin will feel nicer and the shave will be smoother and closer than you would believe right now......I won't say cheaper,because there are so many treats to tempt you...

I rather suspect that you've got the razor angle wrong and are using more of a scraping action....its something most of us have probably done to some degree or other....next time you try DE...try raising the handle of the razor slightly from the position you use with the Cartridge razor...so the actual razor blade is a bit more parallel with your face...and just allow the weight or the razor itself to do the pressing on...sounds silly I know...but it works.

Its all about whisker reduction....each pass removes a little bit more stubble...the first downward pass will appear to remove very little stubble....and may drag a bit depending on the blade /soap combination...
The second will take a bit more off..and be a nice smooth pass................nearly there.....
The third pass will catch most of the prickly bits that are left....the odd touch up under the jaw line may be needed if you're going for Babies Bum Smooth.....Don't be tempted to go over areas again without a smear of soap first..even if its just a dab of soapy water with your finger tips....you can get away with going over again with a cartridge...but not with a DE razor..you'll just end up sore....
Hi and welcome Neil. Pressure is one of the age old problems with new DE shavers and we've all done it. Less pressure, a sharper or more consistent blade and attention to angle will all help. Angle just comes with feel, you'll get it with a tiny bit of practice.
Welcome to TSR Neil

You already have plenty of advice so good luck in the coming days. I got carried away once with testing face lathering for too long one day. Face ended up looking like beetroot. And I had lunch with friends that day - too polite to ask what I'd been up to. It had been a hot sunny morning!

Enjoy your time here.
thanks to everyone - very touched by the welcome and advice. I've persisted, thinking about the angle and really working the soap to get a proper microfoam lather and much better results.

Definitely going to try new blades selection to see which suits the best.
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