Erasmic shaving cream £1

Today in Poundland I bought a tube of Erasmic shaving cream for a pound! Not sure what its like but at a pound you can't complain.Also next door in the Home Bargains store I bought Real Shaving Company shaving cream and shaving balm for £1.29 each. So I am :)
RSC stuff is good. Erasmic - have tried the soap in the bowl which has a nice old school smell but a thin lather and the cream in the metal tube is a good protective lather but the smell is a weird strong chemical one.
I finally got around to trying this today, I wasn't looking forward to it after the negative comments. I was pleased to find it was a much better experience than I hoped.The lather was ok, the smell...well I couldn't smell much to be honest, and the shave would of been better but the new Derby blade was a bit of a dud one. I have already binned it and will try again with a Gillette Nacet tomorrow as the last one gave me a great shave.
Which erasmic did you get?the metal tube is very good in my opnion,savers in my area used to stock it but now replaced them with the new plastic tubes. With regards to the scent you can't get anymore old skool :D
James_uk said:
Which erasmic did you get?the metal tube is very good in my opnion,savers in my area used to stock it but now replaced them with the new plastic tubes. With regards to the scent you can't get anymore old skool :D

Silver with black and red graphics toothpaste style tube, plastic I think. :)
Blyth Spirit turned me on to this about a year ago. I am down to the last quarter of a metal tube and I enjoy a great shave with this product. My first English Cream and right up the "Back in the Day Smell" line-up. I've gotten wonderful results and prefer cream over the soap puck. Never any irritation.

Blyth - hope all is well up North. Regards, Robert
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