Entries: May 2014

Halifax, Republic of Yorkshire
Great entries from last month!

Let's do it again ...

One picture of your favourite shave of this month. Your picture. From this month.

If you submit a picture and then at the 11th hour pip it with a perfect shave and a perfect picture, just go back through the thread and edit your entry.

Once again, entries made after midnight of the 31st of March will not be considered and edits made after the closure of the month will not be reckoned into the follow-on voting thread - whatever stands at midnight of the 31st will go into that thread.

Have fun, guys! Happy shaving!
Let's get it on!!!

This month I tried to make a picture that looks in keeping with the period of the razor. This Valet is c1939 so I used large format 5x4 sheet film.

The giveaway is that Woodhead bowls were clearly not available 75 years ago!
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