Empty pocket lapping.

Evening gentlemen.
I'm back again to appall the residents with my talk of inferior bottom-end kit ;-) Hey, even paupers need hobbies!

I've plumped the last of my play-money (for a while at least) on a £20 hone (amazon 3k/8k jobbie) then realised it'll need lapping, lest it make bad edges worse. Oh and a 40x loupe to see how badly I'm doing!

From what I could research, I have two options at my didposal (obviously buying a lapping stone isn't one of them!)

Opinions please on whether I should:
Use wet & dry on a tile. I have a few grits in the cave from (IIRC) 400 - 1200, but I could probably stretch to a couple of quid if I need lower.

or B
I have a 4 way diamond block sharpener (about 6" x 2") in the back of a drawer somewhere which I think has 200 - 600 grit sides.

Which is likely to leave least big particles on the stone?

Oh and to tag on another 'makeshift' question.... I'll have to make a pasted strop to 'finish' until I can get a finishing stone. I have a polishing kit with waxy compound blocks or some autosol. I can either put these on the rough side of my only leather strop or make a denim-clad block. Which combo's will be best?

Thanks in advance - again for your patience and any advice. (Just aiming to minimise wasted time & materials before I get cracking and ruin stuff!)

Use 320 grit wet & dry on the tile, I have a DMT and much prefer to use wet & dry paper plenty of water soak the paper first slap it on top of my large tesco marble food prep slab and away to go, and unless you are honing many razors weekly you really don't have to lap your stones that often.
Pugh, the reason I wasn't set on the wet n dry is that it seems to 'shed' a lot. On the other hand, the surface will be flatter and at least the particles will be more visible than wet diamond.

Rob, thanks that means a lot from a man of your standing. I guess research still isn't a substitute for real experience though and I have quite a skillset to build before I can conjure the silk purses from sows ears that I'm aiming for!
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