Election poster defacement

Friday July 10, 2009
Little Feckwittering-on-the-Moor

Whilst making a rare foray actually in to the office yesterday,I had to chuckle at some of the defacements on election posters... (all Tory posters - but that's because only Tory posters have appeared so far, they've been desperately trying to win them off the Lib Dems for decades)



Also the picture of the candidate was suitably enhanced by some thick black eyebrows, a toothbrush moustache & a beard. Looked very fetching on the candidate Anne-Marie....

Any good ones seen elsewhere?
Actually I tour round a large area of the South West and I would say that there is a coordinated effort to deface Tory posters, there are as many Lib-Dem ones as Tory and only a few Labour but its only the Tory ones that have been targeted.

Some have been sprayed using pre made templates, which cross out Change in the Vote for Change slogan and replace it with "A Toff". Others have had a cock drawn on them, some have daft phrases like "Cameron is butter". There are a few posters which are in gardens or well into farmers fields which means the vandals have trespassed in order to do it.

I don't care what any ones political leanings are but I don't think its acceptable to vandalise any posters/signs, whether it be political, advertising or informative (traffic signs etc) its still vandalism.
Creative, witty and well-executed alterations aren't vandalism.

Advertising is just legalised graffiti so why not treat it as a palimpsest?

Mindless vandalism is rubbish but personally I like a nice bit of subversion. There's a grand tradition of de- (or re-) forming political art to interesting ends, often very funny and provocative.
Easter 2009 I saw a poster outside a local church which made some reference to the resurrection and someone had spray painted something like Zombies! Run for your life! Is that a witty and creative or mindless vandalism?

Personally I thinks its pretty black and white, vandalism is vandalism, I don't see it as acceptable to deface anything others have the right to display.
I think that graffiti is something that's been around for a very long time and will stick around for some time too. While people do it they should at least try to be interesting or witty. When I was young there was always quite a lot of graffiti in Bristol, a lot of it funny or political. Now I hardly see anything decent any more. Just seems to be tagging and silly pictures. When I do visit Bristol there isn't much graffiti around, but I expect the council is better at clearing it up than in the old days.
my current fave

The Tory's are really annoying me for the first time ever, I'm 27, with the current poster campaign. They'll sort out everything and not cut money from kids or sick people, great! I'd prefer if the posters told me where they were stealing the money from as opposed to telling me where they won't steal the money from.

This is the first time I've ever paid much attention to the elections and it makes me feel better about all those ballots I've spoiled.

The US election last year seemed quite focused on the billions we are spending on war, the UK elections seem to be ignoring it, I confess that I may have missed a lot of meetings.
This is the first time I've ever paid much attention to the elections and it makes me feel better about all those ballots I've spoiled

Rightly or wrongly, we have young men and women dying so as to give people the chance to vote on their future. And we have the opportunity to vote in relation to that.

The Tory's are really annoying me for the first time ever, I'm 27, with the current poster campaign. They'll sort out everything and not cut money from kids or sick people, great! I'd prefer if the posters told me where they were stealing the money from as opposed to telling me where they won't steal the money from.

My friend, there the same monster albeit wearing a different mask. What you’re really doing is choosing whose face you’re looking at whilst gripping that bomb tightly and riding to impact. Because believe me fella were well past the point of no return.... :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :roll:
soapalchemist said:
RB73 said:
so as to give people the chance to vote on their future.

Does anyone else think that was the reason for the illegal invasion of Iraq? Just curious.

If it had been implemented properly the first time around when there was a legitimate reason there would have been no need. All I can say about that is thanks for the suntan and the bitter taste of not being allowed to do a proper job.

Afghanistan...That’s a whole different can of worms, but like politics, without two sides to an argument being allowed would constitute being oppressed and we wouldn’t be allowed to discuss it openly let alone on a SHAVING FORUM... :lol:
I too find the idea of being made unemployed strangely appealing...until I remember the bills.

RB73, no disrespect intended to the people on the ground....just some disrespect meant to the people making the decisions.
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