Ebay nutters

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Well that little thread certainly livened things up!
In all seriousness lads, my apologies to anyone who perhaps got overexcited by all this and got themselves chastised by the mods.
My unreserved apologies again to Rasierhobel if I have unintentionally upset him. Hopefully we will let the matter rest there and draw the shutters on the whole thing and return to shaving topics.
Ah! but it was a grand afternoon's fun - apart from Graeme, anyway. I had determined to miss the gym and go to a movie but I missed that, too, 'cos of this thread.

As I understand it, the razor is on its way back to the seller and the buyer has been refunded; the ex-girlfriend has demonstrated what a delightful woman she is and the buyer remains rightly dumped; we are all at peace and calmed down.

So we could all sleep peacefully tonight if Graeme apologised to Boab and Boab could find it within his enormous heart to forgive Graeme.


Man, I just read this whole thread and there was plenty of twists and turns. I can't really say who screwed up, but will echo Jamie's thought about different languages causing unintentional issues with how things come across. That part about you being a liar woulda pissed me off too, and started things out badly, but very possibly the translation was poor and very brusque.

Well Tom, I hope this post will wrap things up and nobody else will have to go away. Heat of the moment typing can be brutal, even though it's sometimes tough to resist. Man, I hope Graeme pays the huge fine and gets back here. Matter of fact, I will start a fund to help that cause. All you members need to send me your $50 paypal cash donations right away. I am so glad I thoughta that! Oh, feel free to double up on the payments. I think Boab said this latest suspension (3rd I believe) would be expensive this time.

There now, let's see if this thread ends up on a positive note. I think the members are all capable of that, but I've been wrong before.......

My wife and I usually watch a film on a Friday night but this is much better. We both almost pissed ourselves at this thread. An unfortunate turn of events never the less.
Oh......Can we have Graeme back please?
RB73 said:
"an extreme lack of tolerance of any bullshit because of race or country of origin"

Sorry, but i cant seem to find any such posts with regards the above.

On reflection,I didn't need to mention that in my post........I shoulda just thought it. Thanks for the reality shot. Heat of the moment and all.....

Just found one

I personally think that this whole thread is a very poor show, and should be deleted, or at least locked, it should have never have got as far as it did in the first place.....

this is only MY point of view so before anybody comes back to comment on it (and there will be), just save your time tapping on the keyboard as i am not really not interested......

in fact i am going to lock it now, if any of the members have a problem with me moderating, my comments or this theard being locked then please contact the OTHER MODS or BOAB.

Boab, other Mods, if you want to unlock this again, it's your forum and please do so.
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