Dreaded Razor Bumps

This past Spring, and moreso in the past few months, I have been getting (or rather "giving" myself) some nasty razor bumps right under my mouth and currently one huge one in the chin crease that hurts!! Surely it's caused by repeated passes and/or bad strokes in that area. Yes, operator error. Now these are ones that take 2 weeks or better to completely go away!! :cry: I have resorted to using a 3x mirror with bifocals on to shave that area now due to this and being extremely careful. As well, I am using salicylic acid & niacinamide post-shave that help greatly, but are no magic wand.

The fact of the matter is that it is my fault entirely. :(
Although usually due to technique, and putting too much pressure on instead of letting the razor do the work, some razors are more likely to give you razor bumps than others, and some razor / blade combinations make it more likely too. When recovering from a rough shave, if I can’t leave my face unshaven for a couple of days, I’ll use a more forgiving razor like the Muhle DE89 or the Henson, so I at least get a shave whilst minimising making matters worse,
My danger zone is the corners of my mouth, so leave a neutral facial expression and make a pass straight over. If I make an expression that pulls the skin tight, I'll be in trouble. I've always found simple alum to be the thing that helps - it dries the area out and makes the skin taut so the hairs that are now kinda under the skin can at least have a chance of making it through over the coming hours.

I also get hot and bothered skin from fencing where my mask meets my jawline. Occasional ingrowers as a result and found a spot treatment stick from L'Oreal - a metal roller ball and some sorta liquid, which was probably salicylic acid amongst other things.

... or, use Pashana Aftershave and once dried a couple more dabs of the stuff on the affected area. Healing aftershave!

Sometimes you've just gotta accept a single pass north/south shave and be done with "good enough". The fun there is to find a razor/blade combo and hone technique so that the one single pass is as good as a two pass. I used to have that proper nailed down with a 1912 but rarely find that same pleasure with a double-edged razor, even with the "Gillette slide".

Heal up, buddy! Tools for the job - if 3x with glasses works, carry on. Of course, if the company you keep all have aging eyesight ... well, a close shave matters somewhat less!
...Of course, if the company you keep all have aging eyesight ... well, a close shave matters somewhat less!


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