Dr Henk's Formula #4


Staff Member
LeJog 2022 Finisher
just received my sample from our very own Dr Henk.

first impressions, it is soft, not unlike a plasticine consistency.I love the smell so far, can't stop sticking my conk into the bag for a whiff.It is very fresh smelling like a lemon or verbena.
I took a piece and washed my hands with it, it feels slippy and I am guessing there is some clay in there?
Anyway I shall be testing tonight before I go to the golf club.Will report back.

thanks to Henk for the sample.
Boab said:
just received my sample from our very own Dr Henk.

first impressions, it is soft, not unlike a plasticine consistency.I love the smell so far, can't stop sticking my conk into the bag for a whiff.

Funnily, I find myself doing the same ;-) I carry a screw-cap jar with the stuff with me, as a sample to show to people, and to demonstrate lathering, and I can't stop myself opening the jar and sniffing it every now and then. I don't know what's in it, as this fragrance is a concoction thought up by my supplier; he calls it 'seabreeze', but although it smells good, in a shaving soap, it doesn't remind me of anything even remotely sea-like...

it feels slippy and I am guessing there is some clay in there?

Yes, there is. Some kaolin.

thanks to Henk for the sample.

You're welcome.

Thanks Henk received the sample the other day.

Haven't shaved with it yet but hand lathered with it and did a "tile" test where the lather lasted at least an hour with Tabac for company.
There was no significant if any degradation and I could certainly feel some nice lubrication.

I like the sent very much but thought it smelt like a subdued De Vergulde Hand, coumarin is that freshly mown hay scent plus some citrus, very pleasant.

You said not to worry about how it look's at this stage, do you mean the soap's texture?
It is soft like a dry cream and after use it did turn into a watery pulp and a couple of days later it is still extremely soft, is that what you wanted?

I'll try it over the weekend and get back to you.
antdad said:
You said not to worry about how it look's at this stage, do you mean the soap's texture?

Yeah, these were just lumps cut from a 1 kg slab, with no effort taken to make it look like a smooth piece of soap. It is soft enough that I have put my first production run in plastic jars, pressed in with a lathe-turned plug and a cheese-press -- looks a lot better that way.

It is soft like a dry cream and after use it did turn into a watery pulp and a couple of days later it is still extremely soft, is that what you wanted?

Well, I would have liked for it to be a bit harder, but for that, I would need to increase the sodium/potassium ratio, which would require additional foam stabilizers to compensate for the sodium soap content, or use a certain amount of pure stearic acid as ingredient, rather than 'complete' fats and oils. My own bowl of shaving soap also has a top layer of extremely soft, hydrated soap. The only problem with that is that you can easily overload your brush; other than that, it doesn't influence the soap's properties.

I may try and experiment with pure stearic acid, to see if I can make a decent soap that is somewhat harder than the current formula.


Well I used it tonight and had a good shave - no drama, quick to find the 'golden ratio' of water/soap - to give it an even tougher trial, I used a Bluebird blade one shave past where I'd normally switch it (that bit was unintentional - I got distracted by a small boy asking complicated questions) - I'm sat here an hour later and there's no "latent irritation", there was no irritation at the point of shave - and my face doesn't feel like sandpaper...

Scent - I've smelt it before somewhere (or something similar) - in a commercially produced artisanal soap - I believe it might have been one of the Australian sample set I got from a group buy of Aussies in another place - it sure reminds me of something (I still can't remember what though - so expect a post about 4am when I wake up and remember).

Consistency - it's like a soft soap, or conversely a hard cream - about like putty - I have no issues with that (like I didn't with Proraso or Omega) - if it could be firmed up then all to the good - if not then there's no real problem (except possibly with longevity of the cake...)

Lather - it got created - I face lathered in the stick fashion (wet face, stick over, wet brush, swirl) - and it happened pretty much instantly. Oodles of it and plenty for the two passes I did.

Hydration - my face still feels moist after the event - I think it's more moist than the same stage after using Cade - will see what happens from here on in.

Shave - as I opened - undramatic despite me inadvertently trying to make it a tough test.

edit: Forgot to say - my water is moderately soft (it's surface water, very slightly mineralised)
Well, that's reassuring. That was more than I actually had hoped for. Consistency can probably be improved, but only by using 'pure' fatty acids, i.c. stearic acid. I'm still not sure whether I want to go that route. Scent is a mixture provided by my supplier, under the moniker 'sea breeze'. I have no idea what's in it, but I must say that I find it at least as agreeable as the mixture that I had originally though up for my shaving soaps (which ended up as expensive hand soaps due to non-functional formulas...): a mixture of cedarwood and bergamot. I also have a few other, piney and musky fragrances in stock, and on the way, that I will be experimenting with.

henkverhaar said:
soapalchemist said:
Just thought I'ld mention I think Dr. Henk's Formula is a great name for a shaving soap.

Mmm, dunno, Reminds me of medicinal compound...


Didn't do this company any harm??
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.drhauschka.co.uk/home">http://www.drhauschka.co.uk/home</a><!-- m -->
I used it on Friday night and it was a decent shave.I found the scent wasn't strong when lathering and couldn't really smell it on my face.This may have been down to the proraso pre/post I had as a pre shave which as most know can be overpowering.Anyway I bowl lathered and found the lather was produced quite easily,it felt a bit light so I added more soap and water to thicken it some more.No problems with irritation during the shave and none afterwards.Razor glided pretty easily due to the clay and I didn't feel any drying of the skin.My face didn't feel moisturised but not dry either, I can only describe it as a 'clean' feeling.I shall continue to use it this week and update.
I agree that the scent is somewhat subdued -- not sure whether that is good or bad yet, but personally, I do smell it both while lathering, and when on the face. After rinsing it doesn't linger though. So it may have been overpowered a little by the Proraso pre/post.

I do have the feeling that you need a fair amount of soap, or not too much water in your brush/bowl to generate a real creamy lather. As hunnymonster has remarked, once wetted, the soap becomes softer still, so it gets easier and easier during use to really load your brush ;-) I soak my brush in hot water, then let it drip until it stops dripping, then move it down vertically once with some force (note: not shake, just 'dump'). This leaves MY brush (a 20 mm chinese knot, silver tip badger) with the right amount of water to lather.

I don't believe soaps can really be moisturizing (only be less degreasing/drying than others), but my final formula will have lactic acid in it, which in theory is a humectant, meaning that it draws water to itself and into the skin. To really moisturize your skin with a soap, you'd have to leave the soap on for an extended period of time though.


Mine arrived in the post today - somewhat unnerving as it looks just like plastic explosive - but at least it does not smell of Marzipan.
After my hand has stopped shaking I might try shaving with it!

Have used it several times now, agree with pretty much with everything that has been said, other than I find it lacks that deep cushion found in some other soaps.
Perhaps I should concentrate on building a better lather!
I agree with some of what's been said. I enjoyed the scent but felt it could have been stronger. I found that I needed quite a lot of soap to produce a decent amount of lather, but once I'd discovered this it was of a decent quality. Similar to P160 but not up there with Mama Bear which for me is a good benchmark of quality. It did however give a good shave and no irritation afterwards. I will continue to use until it's all finished. Thanks Dr Henk!! :shave
my sample arrived today, thank you Henk, and i will try it with tonights shave.

initial reaction to the scent is similar to Tony's, vaguely familiar to DVH which is one of my all time favourites.
unfortunately the DVH soap, for me at least, is a little drying.

i've put it in a little tub to use later - report to follow
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