Dr Harris Classic Cologne Lime: disappointing

Hi all,

Just a brief review......

I purchased a bottle of this cologne last week in a bit of a moment ( I went into the shop to try their sandalwood [it had a really nasty aniseed smell to it] but that was a no).

I tried the lime and thought yes for the summer £52.00 for the cologne. The service was excellent but the fragrance evaporated after about 20 mins on me.

Worse still when my wife smelt it she said it was like the relevant you use abroad. I didn't tell her how much it cost.

I know it's not Edp but I would have thought it lasted a bit longer. I dont want to smell myself but feel fresher a bit longer.

It's now chucked in a work bag as a spray to freshen up during the warm working days.

Has anyone else tried their cologne and had a different experience.

Any views?

Enjoy your Sunday all
Oh that's sad to hear! I got quite excited about lime things after testing Barts forthcoming preshave, but haven't bought anything yet. Guess I'll make a note of your experience. Shame, I think disappointment is one of the worst feelings.
TOBS no. 7 lasts fairly well, Barts used to do a lovely lime balm if you can find some it’s great, Seaforth Spiced lime is fantastic and the toner last a long time but the splash is all an dayer.
TOBS no. 7 lasts fairly well, Barts used to do a lovely lime balm if you can find some it’s great, Seaforth Spiced lime is fantastic and the toner last a long time but the splash is all an dayer.
Do you know where I can get it in the uk? Thanks in advance. Mark (the seaforths that is...)
Do you know where I can get it in the uk? Thanks in advance. Mark (the seaforths that is...)
No UK stockists as far as I’m aware. Maggards and the razor company stick the soap and toner. The edt isn’t on their websites at the moment. The razor company were excellent when I’ve previously used them and have reasonable postage for a US based shop.
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