Dorco ST301

As I was desperate for some blades I succumbed to the High St, and got a small pack from Sainsburys'. Turns out these are Dorco ST301's

Although my shave today feels smooth, I noticed some 'tugging' when shaving. I used same cream, razor etc, so can only assume its the blade. I realise these aren't the best, at least I didn't get any cuts!
try making your lather slicker..bit more water..the Dorko 301's I think are platinum coated..I like em..its the 300 Dorko's that have no use :lol:
I used a 301 yesterday in a Tech. Was smooth, quite close. Tried it again today and was blunt before I'd completed a full pass. Based on this and similar results in a merkur 38r I reckon 5 passes max out of an ST301.
The Dorcos are uncomfortable for me. I have a theory on that I've looked at the dorco blades they bend quite easily also wilkinson sword blades have the same characteristics and I find they tug too. the blades that are a bit stiffer seem to be more comfortable these blades that are like this are personna, gillette silvers, 7 O'clock yellows and super max blades.

just my 2p worth.
That's why I alway try a new to me blade brand in my adjustable 1st. That Asti have it for atleast 7 days. Ist day - setting 2; 2nd day -3; 3rd day -4; 4th day -5; 5th day -6 and so on... Each day should be the same; or I know the limitations of the new brand in differing razors, mild to aggressive.
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