Does Alum really work?

My thoughts exactly, Alum is a great warning system.
It works very well, it is an astringent and works very well for this hence why people complain that it makes their skin feel tight. It is also antibacterial and a blood coagulant so will help with any cuts you have. I use it after every shave.
Boab said:
It works very well, it is an astringent and works very well for this hence why people complain that it makes their skin feel tight. It is also antibacterial and a blood coagulant so will help with any cuts you have. I use it after every shave.

I've found it works very well for me too. If I've had a bad shave it irritates a little for a few minutes, if it has been a good shave then I have no problems.
I'm very keen on alum and use it after every shave, followed by witch hazel, then Speick ASB. Soaps and blades I vary all the time, but the after-shave process is down pat.

I use a separate block of alum in the appropriate form factor for deodorant, and it's easily the best deodorant I've ever used.

The alum I used for shaving wasn't cheap -- never found any locally -- but it's worth it.
I too am a big user of Alum. Warm water rinse, alum, clean gnashers & sink area, cold water rinse, pat down with a towel & on goes the aftershave. Great stuff, well worth a whirl at the price.
I wouldn't be without Alum for both under my chin(s) and arms ( or nether-regions). I sometimes break a piece off, dissolve it, and use it for a "cat-lick" in summer. Refreshing, deodorising, anti-bacterial and cheap, and I can chose what I want to smell like afterwards.
For me, the best method after a shave is to rinse with cold water then a single pass with dry Alum block on wet face. Just enough to do its stuff without drying my neckskin so tight that I couldn't look up to find my balm!
"cat-lick" - all over wash (wipe) with wet flannel.