Do you spin?

Well, it's ss stubby with brass handgrip and waiting the force.
That FB group is the reason I'm in this state
Says the man,that is spinning his plastic spinfidg at same time.
Well, it's ss stubby with brass handgrip and waiting the force.
That FB group is the reason I'm in this state
Says the man,that is spinning his plastic spinfidg at same time.

So @Paul K is getting copper, I am getting brass and you are getting SS.
Do we have any Rotablade buyers I missed?

I am really, really hoping mine will be ready - and delivered - by Xmas......
So @Paul K is getting copper, I am getting brass and you are getting SS.
Do we have any Rotablade buyers I missed?

I am really, really hoping mine will be ready - and delivered - by Xmas......
I'll post an image of mine when I get it, and I think you will have it by Christmas as you are just behind me in terms of order numbers.
The shipping is faster now. So i think, it will hit to the Bay area in time.
For the carrying, I ordered this.
I ordered that one too. It will be posted this weekend so again I will inspect it and post an image of it.

@Darkbulb if you want one quite happy to purchase and send it to you.
Do anyone know about the tekiti leatherwork ? They have some good looking spinning top carries and I don't mean the pink ones.
It would not be that hard to ask modified version on those.
I can't find any prices or even place for to order one .
Things that already is known. From Chicago and I will be there on January

Never heard of...but just asked for access to their IG page
@Andrimus @Paul K
Rotablade Stubby order #1434 apparently shipped yesterday.
Ugh...I'm still 100 orders down the list.
Apparently the orders are not being shipped numerical order, but as and when the materials are available.

@Darkbulb you may have to pay the extra $5 if you get yours before me.

If the order numbers are right, then I am within the 100. However I have been told that it will ship early December, maybe before.