do you remove the DE blade between shaves?

cheese_dave said:
I like to rinse mine under the tap and give it a shake too :shock:

(Thanks HM - I'll take it from here...)

Just like me, Cheese Dave. You wouldn't want to put it back covered in bits of cream and hair would you? :roll:
My straight had a close encounter with the (hot) tap.

Now DE shave 6 days a week, 2 days a blade. Strip the razors once a week and clean in vinegar, gets the soap scum off. Next offering from TOBS; Chip Shop shaving cream and DFMB AS ?
Ok just had a quick attack of OCD and cleaned all my razors......... :shock:
They were all ok, no signs of rust but when I opened Gillette Slim Adjustable no signs of rust but the Feather blade was covered in gunk...... :mrgreen: in the bin with the old blade.
OCD attack over............. :lol: :lol: