Do i need a Gillette?


When it comes to actually 'needing' a razor, there's a few things to consider. Heh, actually there's only's a question of far down that particular rabbit hole you wanna fall. From what I understand it's bottomless, and I agree with that idea.

Not only does Gillette make some adjustables, there's mainly a ton of Gilette fixed head razors in many shapes and sizes. Open comb or safety bar,......lots of razors in those groups. And this certainly is true of other razor brands....many vintage types to sample as well.

Basically, you can fine tune (sounds much better than obsess over) this goofy 'hobby' to a very narrow band of wonderfulness if you're so inclined. Yeah, finding the perfect razor/blade combo is a sorta art, learned by experience and plenty of trial and error.

If the perfect shave's what someone's after, it can be had. If what they'd like is a comfortable and close shave, using a brush and soaps/creams, that's also very doable and will take a hell of a lot less time to achieve. Depends on what each of us has in mind for an objective.

So, anyone who's serious about finding the best possible razor is gonna have to try a bunch. No getting around it from what I can see. Oh yeah, I should mention that this won't even be a true test drive until the person's technique is down pretty well. That'll take at least a month...probably more.

Heh, it's a long road till everything comes together in a perfect way, and plenty of motivation's needed to make that trip. Another way of putting things would to ask how far each of us cares to ride the crazy train. Yeah, that's better.

I find the most exciting thing about this new hobby is that i now enjoy shaving! I have gone from having a shave every 3 or 4 days to a daily ritual which i look forward to. Yes it is going to be a fun and slightly expensive journey but who cares i love it.

Amen to that. :icon_biggrin: