Did your father actually try and teach you to shave?

correct. it was the balmy summer of 1981, yours truly was 14.5 and i was told (at air cadets), i could do with a shave.

my dad did offer some sage advice, but of course i knew better, so i set to work with a face full of foam and a bic disposable (single blade, white plastic with yellow blade cover - probably now banned by the geneva convention for crimes against humanity).

at this point my dad sensing what was about to happen, went in the general direction of - away.

things went ok-ish, up to the point where my testosterone fuelled self confidence was unleashed and i attempted the 'jaw corner to chin swoop' - as seen on every shaving advert (usually carried out by a guy with a chin like a wardrobe, with no stubble at all (so why was he shaving in the first place?) and lets face it - no sodding blade!!)

well, not so much a nick, nor indeed could it have been classed as a weeper, what it was, was a 1.5" wide and about 4" long removal of the dermis. didn't hurt of course - god bless shock!

fortunately my dad had the solution on hand - OLD SPICE!

the rest as they say is history, actually he bought me a philishave that weekend :oops:

sorry if that went on a bit, i am prevaricating as i now have to clean the bathroom as we have visitors staying the night :(
At the age when I started needing to shave my dad used a Phillishave, and I would use it once a week or so. My Grandfather then died, of skin cancer, and I was given his Phillishave which my dad had bought for him when he started to become ill so it wasn't very old, but my dad had to clean and sterilise it (don't know how?) lest I catch skin cancer myself (not entirely sure that's possible)

Anyway I used that electric razor for years, then in my late teens it went wrong and I was bought an new Phillishave for my birthday. At some point in my early 20's I found a shaving brush in the bathroom cabinet, bought some disposable razors and a shave stick, gave it a go and got a good lather but cut my face to shreds, dad offered the advice just shave downwards but I soon gave up using the brush and mostly shaved with the electric other than when I went out on the town, at which point it was a cartridge and canned goo I used.

Late 20's my wife bought me another Phillishave to replace the then ageing one and until recently I would use a can of goo and a WS Quatro Ti twice a week and the rechargeable electric on other days.

So in that respect yes my father taught me to shave, he taught me that Phillips was the best brand of electric razor and that they (to their credit) last for years, he offered the advice that while wet shaving just shave down, but that's it! Just recently though I have learned that he has ditched the electric, and now uses a Fusion and canned gel! :roll:

As for sex no advice ever given, or indeed sought!
Magicpixie said:
Nope, no advice on shaving or sex. Thank God. :)

:lol: That's the spirit, a couple of generations lost to "advancement" unfortunately.

I remember as a kid picking up a D.E blade and running it across my palm a few times to see if it was sharp.

To be fair he always used a soap and brush and a D.E razor until he discovered I was a self harmer.

I think he switched to disposable soon after.
No and no!! :roll: I got given a cheap electric razor for my 13th birthday, but didn't have to use it for some time. I think I had it at University but at some point must have moved to wet-shaving. It may have conked out. I remember using some BICs at one point, which by some accounts are actually not bad, but of course my prep and technique were terrible. I must have got a Mach III of equivalent in my early twenties and had acceptable if not enjoyable shaves for a decade. In-growns became a problem and I stumbled across a well-known US shaving site. The rest is history.

My Dad was never the best at chats and advice. Still isn't really. In an ironic twist I bought him a 404 for his birthday last month. He told me this morning that he was still using it and enjoying his shaves with the Maca Root cream I also got him. So that's nice.
Nope, Me and my dad didn't really do 'chats'.. So i was pretty much left to my own devices on both counts.

Age of 13-14 (cant recall to clearly) i was given what i seem to recall was a fairly cheap Braun electric shaver and told to get rid of the bum fluff. That was about it really.

After various family incidents over time me and my dad aren't exactly on best of terms now and we barely tolerate each other tbh. I did vaguely broach the subject of shaving on one of his infrequent jaunts up to see the little one, but i got a pretty funny look when i mentioned wet shaving and the comment 'Its the 21st century son, things have moved on..' . That was as far as that went.
I got given an electric razor and it wasnt really hard to work out how to use that.
Moved onto a safety razor and my dad said he used to have one. One pass always up. He never got on with it though because when he had done it was really uncomfortable and would have lots of little cuts.

So its just been a case of working it out for myself.
Mum & Dad divorced when I was 8 but we're still very close, but no shaving advice.

My Step-Dad used a brush, Old Spice stick and a disposable so that's what I used for my first shave.

He's still got the brush (25 years on) and uses Palmolive cream and Gillette Blue II disposables.

Dad uses Gillette Sensor and Foam.

Told them both about my shaving with a DE . . .

Dad: "I hated those bloody things!"
Step-Dad: "Best razor I ever used!"

I was marched through the local supermarket where I grew up. I was about 13 with cheeks and a top lip full of bum-fluff. I was told to pick what I would use to shave. Gillette Blue II, Gillette Gel and a Gillette Balm.

My dad then made fun of me at the till making sure everyone knew it was my first shave. We got home, he was an electric shaver. I shaved my cheeks and top lip, quite a painless and easy task, with my dad watching me do it. His words were "no need to go uphill yet" talking about my neck...................

and that was the last time my Dad spoke to me about shaving till I tried to convince him to go back to wet shaving with a wilkinson sword protector.
When I started shaving I picked up a Bic disposable and a can and went at it. Sister would always mention how my neck was really red after a shave.

The two times (that I remember of) my dad and I talking about shaving was when I mentioned how I changed my Mach 3 cartridges after a couple of days, his response...'No, lasts a week!"

The other time was when I got an electric shaver for Christmas. Of course when I opened the packet I tried it out and immediately mention how I didn't think it was working well. Upon which my dad snatched it of my hand, says "It works' and proceeds to shave his own face for a min. After which he rubs his face and says, 'See!'

Probably the closest my dad got to sex talk with me was when he tried to explain male and female plants and he was like, "You know" and proceeds to stick his index finger into the circle made by the thumb and index of the other hand.
But on the flip side I said to my 9 year old a week or 2 ago, "Want to watch me shave? You'll be having to do it some day." "Boring, no way, I'm watching Pokemon" (or some such drivel) was the reply
Nope. I got given an electric Boots shaver for my birthday from my auntie and used that for years, never getting a good shave. Then one Christmas I got given a gift set of a mug with a twin-bade razor and some other stuff in it from my other auntie/uncle. Gave that a go and was amazed at the close shave I got compared to the electric - from then on in it was the canned foam and Sensor / Sensor Excel / Mach 3 / Fusion route.
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