Did the Portuguese . . .

ever produce razors or razor blades of their own?

I'm going to Portugal to visit the family some time in the summer and was hoping to do some scouring of the North for any Portuguese shaving paraphernalia that they may have manufactured over the years. I know about the creams - have Musgo and will be looking for Lavanda, Top Secret and the likes, and I know about Semogue - but would like to try and find some other hardware while I'm there. Have put a request in to the family but no-one has got back to me yet so was wondering if any of you most knowledgeable of folks could help with any information?

I'll be based in Porto/Vila Nova de Gaia and know where to look there and will have no trouble getting to other parts of the north if needs be.

Thanks ever so muchly in advance.
As far as I know, no. With the exception of brushes, we have a lot of shaving "software" items. I guess the Spanish straights and Gillette safety razors were standard a few years ago, so there was not much demand for a national production of razors and blades.
If someone finds any gem, I'd be interested in knowing!
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