Desperately Seeking a Bay Rum Fix

What about asking members to return their bottles? I have four or so that I could send you. I'm sure they could be disinfected and reused. No-one's upset or annoyed - we just love your Bay Rum, fella! Just take your time to get through what you have to get through then, and only then you may be able to think about this. No pressure, ever.
Gairdner said:
What about asking members to return their bottles? I have four or so that I could send you. I'm sure they could be disinfected and reused. No-one's upset or annoyed - we just love your Bay Rum, fella! Just take your time to get through what you have to get through then, and only then you may be able to think about this. No pressure, ever.

Sunburyboy93 said:
I will be making some Bay Rum, just had so much stuff going on this year and i need to sit down and try and get the Bottles and labels a bit cheaper, and the postage is crazy too, i can see why these little cottage industries struggle.....:icon_sad:

Take your time!
The best stuff is worth waiting for. You'll have zero problems finding buyers!
If you need an VC investor, just send me a PM.
Picture me as that pathetic creature Gollum, skulking in the corner, my grubby mitts lovingly caressing a near empty bottle and crooning, "Precious, my Precious".
Re: RE: Desperately Seeking a Bay Rum Fix

Sunburyboy93 said:
I will be making some Bay Rum, just had so much stuff going on this year and i need to sit down and try and get the Bottles and labels a bit cheaper, and the postage is crazy too, i can see why these little cottage industries struggle.....:icon_sad:

I would also be very interested in trying some as I have heard many good things on here. Been pondering bay rum for a while but can't decide on which to try, and would much rather go for products made by fellow TSR members.
May I be added to the list when available?

Canuck said:
I unintentionally put my bottle of Barbershop Steve's to one side when I moved out of London last year and it's still in a cupboard, two thirds full. Yeah, just wanted to run that in a bit, a bottle still exists in deepest Herts! :)

Others I rate in different ways:

TOBS - Shame about the crappy plastic bottle but good smelling, really good smelling, most similar to Steve's except it's thinner and not as good feeling on the skin. Smells like a spicy 1800's pirate. No longevity though.
Ogalalla - Not Bay rum like at all, but damn nice, and unusual. Medicinal, more like the wild west version rather than the Caribbean version.
Ogalalla limes and peppercorns - Also not a real bay rum, but it's fresh and zesty and delicious.

Like you I have left (1 1/2 bottles) so there is some still around.

Like you I have different opinions of others I have tried or own.
TOBS _ Crappy bottle, did not like the scent very much over powered by cloves and no complexity. Thankfully not very long lasting and sold on very quickly.
Ogalalla - Limes & Peppercorns one the better "Bay Rums" Light enough to be used at anytime of year. This one is due to be replaced soon.......running out .
Krampert's Finest Bay Rum Acadian Spice - The closest I have found to Barbershop Bay Rum. But there is enough difference to edge it into 2nd place for me. Although if you get chance to try it I would recommend that you give it a go.
Steve's Barbershop - for me is the best all rounder and unlike all the others is made with Rum !!
chrisbell said:
Sunburyboy93 said:
Cheers fellas. I have thought of reusing bottles as it makes total sense clean and disinfect, fill, label and voila !!!

Anyway I'm going to get some brewing on the 19th ( payday )

Cheers all


Great news - don't push yourself too hard.

Sunburyboy93 said:
Cheers fellas. I have thought of reusing bottles as it makes total sense clean and disinfect, fill, label and voila !!!

Anyway I'm going to get some brewing on the 19th ( payday )

Cheers all


Aw that's a shame! I was hanging on to my spare bottle in hope of these Barbershop Rum junkies would pay Darwin like prices for this rare delicacy! :p
In all seriousness, excellent news it will be available again soon for new and regular customers again. Glad things have settled down enough to be able to think about this famous brew. I got the last one of last winters batch and as soon as it was available again I bought two bottles for my dad and brother, I got one believer in my dad, my brother is a greenkeeper and more often than not sports a full beard, hence my full spare. Only if I can get my dad away from that electric thingy.
Well, Singing Blade sent me a bunch of samples to try out. Thank you so much, mate.

This evening, I tried out a couple that I'd earmarked as great smells and boy, did they work out well after a Muhle R41/Feather combo shave! I am a Bay Rum addict! I love it!

Post-shave, I'm now enjoying a drink of Mount Gay & Stone's Ginger Wine, ice and lime. Pretty much my shave, then ... mentholated PSO and soap, Bay Rum after. Wow! I literally cannot wait to get my hands on a bottle now ... if/when Sunburyboy93's next batch comes to maturity, I am literally going to be busting my pants for a bottle!

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