Desperately Seeking a Bay Rum Fix

Re: RE: Desperately Seeking a Bay Rum Fix

joe mcclaine said:
Have you tried 'Benjamin's'?

I've always rated it, so you know it must be good.

Benjamin's is nice.

It's got a hint of a banana kind of smell to it.

Cheap as chips too.
I unintentionally put my bottle of Barbershop Steve's to one side when I moved out of London last year and it's still in a cupboard, two thirds full. Yeah, just wanted to run that in a bit, a bottle still exists in deepest Herts!

Others I rate in different ways:

TOBS - Shame about the crappy plastic bottle but good smelling, really good smelling, most similar to Steve's except it's thinner and not as good feeling on the skin. Smells like a spicy 1800's pirate. No longevity though.
Ogalalla - Not Bay rum like at all, but damn nice, and unusual. Medicinal, more like the wild west version rather than the Caribbean version.
Ogalalla limes and peppercorns - Also not a real bay rum, but it's fresh and zesty and delicious.
It's great to read all of these differing perspectives and experiences, gentlemen.

Ta muckle, Vinny. Yon's cheap enough to have a bash at so I'll likely make a swoop. Soon I will be awash in Bay Rum which marks a contrasting change from whence my innards were awash with original vatted dark rum or Pusser's Blue if I was quids in and occasionally Wood's if I was feeling particularly reckless. Therefore I seldom sampled the blue and often foundered upon the ragged rock of Neptune's briny ire.

Just checked and they do ordinary, with Pimento (which I thought was rather the whole point of the thing as pimento racemosa is the WI bay leaf and pimenta dioica the allspice berry) or mentholated.

Eeee, but all them choices....
Anyone know where to get the leaves in the UK?

My last batch was made with the essential oil and went cloudy as s***t.

Did the job, but the finished product was not to the standard I was hoping for.
If anyone's interested I've got what feels like hundreds of samples of Bay Rums (it's probably about 20 or 30 but I've got samples of EDT's all over the place). I could sort out a list and share them out to whoever would like some for the price of postage.
Re: RE: Desperately Seeking a Bay Rum Fix

I'd definitely be interested mate. thank you.
CelticRoots said:
Anyone know where to get the leaves in the UK?
What leaves do you need? My parents have an entire Bay (Laurel) tree in their front yard (not West Indies...California). I remember as a kid grabbing a few leafs for a stew my mom would make.
*Edit: Nevermind, I just read the wikipedia article:
You need West Indian bay tree (Pimenta racemosa), not Bay (Laurel). Completely different.

Why not ask at a whole-foods store? They may know which suppliers to ask.
Well, I'd just like to say a huge thanks to the three kind gents (you know who you are) who sent me very generous Bay Rum quantities! It wasn't the intention of this thread but I am very grateful nonetheless.

Thank you TSR, once again.

Oh, and Vinny, is the Benjamins strong in the cinnamon dept.? It's my least favourite component of a Bay Rum and I find the end product sickly if there's too much i.e. TOBS.
A few bay rums I've tried recently were from this French artisan

His bay rum with ancient rose is beautiful.
Indeed! Thank you to the kind gent who sent me a bunch of samples. Wow! They're all very different. Curiously, my favourite from an initial sniff (Captain's Choice) reminds my Mrs of dental treatments (her father was a Dentist). I think it's the clove, which becomes evident after a short while once the alcohol has mellowed.

Very addictive stuff! I can see myself building a little collection of Bay Rums. Little, he says ... really?
I will be making some Bay Rum, just had so much stuff going on this year and i need to sit down and try and get the Bottles and labels a bit cheaper, and the postage is crazy too, i can see why these little cottage industries struggle.....:icon_sad:
Sunburyboy93 said:
I will be making some Bay Rum, just had so much stuff going on this year and i need to sit down and try and get the Bottles and labels a bit cheaper, and the postage is crazy too, i can see why these little cottage industries struggle.....:icon_sad:

count me in for a bottle when you get round to it! I emailed you a while back regarding this very thing! :icon_razz: