Derby Premium

The only Derby blades I've ever had are freebies that came with something or the other. I think I still have a packet somewhere, but, unlike some German and Indian blades which I rate as "poor", I can't think of a rating for the Derbys even lower than that.
I have never bought a Derby blade before, and my sole experience of them is with odd freebies that came with something or the other.

However, in the spirit of selfless research, I've got a quantity of these Premium things on the way. I'll let you know what I think of them as soon as they arrive. I hope that the next stop for these won't be on the BST section.
OK, tried the Derby Premiums this morning,

Razor: EJ89L
Soap: @phoenixandbeau Albion
Pre: Bloom

Packaging is the same as the Derby Extra's with the exception of the plastic case is a cool looking black. Single wrapped in wax paper. Needless to say that the loading of the blade isn't a problem. :confused:

First pass WTG: It's a smooth blade and I'd say slightly above average on sharpness. No dramas or nicks
Second pass XTG: Another smooth pass, a little clean up around the goatee area and neck but we're done!

A great blade! Certainly an improvement on the Derby Extras, and I actually like the Extras. The blade is very smooth, no tugging at all, on the smoothness level I'd rate it above Astra SP, maybe of the Nacet's too.

For the price tag I really don't think you could go wrong with this blade. I'm looking forward to using it in the R41, I think it would stand out in that razor! I think it'll be heading to the top part (maybe not top 1) of most peoples blades list, it's certainly in my top 5... Just under the Voskhod?
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