Decisions, Decisions....

OK, having read about the Feather AS razor on here and finding a link to the latest PILS razor, I can't decide between the two :roll:

I think the Feather AS is a little less costly (still expensive though), whilst I am finding it very difficult tracking down a PILS for sale in the EU so as to avoid customs charges and the like.

Aesthetically, they both look great. I am a little concerned the Feather AS may be too mild from what I've read thus far. I am a little put off the PILS having read a few reports of it's susceptibility to rust.

I current use a EJ DE89. This is a luxury purchase, with the intention of it lasting a lifetime.

Does anyone have any experience of either or both these razors? And should I be considering anything else?

I'm approaching this from the angle of buy cheap, buy twice, so the initial higher cost is more justifiable ;)

Any thoughts / advice on this warmly welcomed :)

You got both here :

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Don´t be concerned of the mildness of Feather, it depends on the blade and right angle.
For what it is worth have used the other Stainless Steel razor the Ikon with the standard head. All I would say is that any Gillette I have used beats that razor into a cocked hat. I for one would certainly not buy either of the 2 models you are thinking about, however that is just my view.
They are certainly wonderful pieces of engineering and style but that won't guarantee you a better shave or that they will last any longer than a good vintage piece or indeed the razor you already own. If you haven't already I'd get a broader range of experience with other razors first before opting for either one of these, especially if one is prone to rust.
I have the Feather and the DE89L and wouldnt say the Feather is too mild. I also have a Merkur 39c and get the best shaves from the Feather. I would say It is forgiving rather than mild. With the right angle and no pressure it is fantastic with Feather blades. Have a good read through the thread of Audiolab's review. I don't really like the look of the PILS , particularly the no grip/texture handle.
I have an Ikon O/C Stainless with a Bulldog handle. The build of the razor is superb and it shaves very proficiently and it was a lot less than both the razors you are looking at, (I looked at both the Pils and Feather before buying the Ikon).
If I was you I would listen to the previous posts and hang fire for a bit, at least it will give you a chance to look at the new Ikon range when it comes out and give you a chance to see if you can find another razor that fits your requirements ?
That should broaden your choice at least.
For looks and novelty value, I'd go with the Pils anyday, it's just "different", and that's what I like about it.
If I had money, I'd by one in a heartbeat, and I don't even use DEs. (for the collection!)

You just need to choose and pull the trigger. From my point of view is sits me best.
I had few Gillets TTO´s and some other.

Feather vs. Pils
3 piece / 2 piece
Sand blasted / Brushed
Knurled handle / Just brushed steel handle
90 g; 3 1/2 inch / ca 115g; 4 inch
Handle heavy / Head heavy
Bigger angle of cutting / Classic angle
Wooden box / Paper box (?)
Japan / Germany

I won´t bother with the rust on the head of the Pils, when you put out the blade after each shave and you use only ss blades.
I think that the sandblasted finishing has a bit more resistance against rust than only brushed, but specialists will correct me if not ;).
All I know about Pils is all I´ve red, neither of them are too agressive.

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I had a Feather for a time, but moved it on.

It was a lovely razor, but it was as mild as a Tech, so it wasn't really what I was looking for.

I've got Techs, I didn't really need another, and especially at that price.

I've got the Feather AS and I really like it. Put a good sharp blade in it and it'll give you a very nice, easy, clean shave. You do need to take a little care over having the angle right otherwise it won't cut very well - but you'll soon develop the feel for this. It is a beautifully made razor - the fit of the parts is so neat and precise - it's got the feel of a high-end Swiss watch (and I'm not talking Rolex - more like IWC Schaffhausen) very refined design and engineering - nothing ostentatious - restrained and functional. It feels quite "serious" a razor with "gravitas"? I wouldn't say it was mild exactly, but it is quite forgiving as a previous poster has said. It's very clearly a quality product and gives you that satisfaction in the details of its design and manufacture. From my standpoint, it's a keeper.

I also have an iKon open comb which is very different - well made and well finished, but of a very different character, more hand finished, and artisan-made product. It feels very solid and substantial - hewn from the living stainless steel! It's a little more agressive than the Feather AS but not overly so (it works well with a Feather Blade) and gives a very fine shave.

I prefer either of these to my Gillette Slim Adjustable - which in comparison feels rather flimsy and insubstantial (shaves nicely, though).

At the end of it, it's trying to describe something in words which doesn't lend itself to description with words - and we all have very different choices and preferences - which is what makes this place so fun. I think it may help you decide if you ask yourself what kind of shave you're looking for from your purchase.
I think the Feather AS is a little less costly (still expensive though), whilst I am finding it very difficult tracking down a PILS for sale in the EU so as to avoid customs charges and the like.

You can get the Feather from several suppliers including Connaught and other UK vendors, the Pils is a little harder to track down there the site already linked and also this on <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ers_id=131</a><!-- m --> I don't believe either of these retailers would attract import duties since they are EU based, however make sure you double check independently for yourself.

Aesthetically, they both look great. I am a little concerned the Feather AS may be too mild from what I've read thus far. I am a little put off the PILS having read a few reports of it's susceptibility to rust.

As always when you look for a product you tend to read the few negative or problematic ones, the majority of people don't report no faults. I have a Pils used it daily for some time and it has not rusted, I would return one that did rust but seek assurances from the vendor if this concerns you. My personal opinion is some of the rust reports are rust from the blade staining the steel and some of them may indeed genuine rust where QC has failed which I think the manufacturer should rectify. Without seeing it myself I would not like to give you assurance one way or another, so yes I have heard of the rust instances but not experienced it on my razor.

I current use a EJ DE89. This is a luxury purchase, with the intention of it lasting a lifetime.

The DE89 is a well finished and great razor, I own a DE 87 and this also should last many years (if not a lifetime), however I dropped mine when assembled and the head snapped off it. I don't know and won't test how my Stainless razors would fair in this scenario. Suffice to say with normal care and use almost all of the DE's available today will last a lifetime so longevity should really not be an issue with any DE.

Does anyone have any experience of either or both these razors? And should I be considering anything else?

Yes I currently own both the Feather and the Pils 101 (brushed finish). For a while I also had a IKON with the closed comb head and Bulldog handle. But the owner missed it terribly and I sold it back to him.

I'm approaching this from the angle of buy cheap, buy twice, so the initial higher cost is more justifiable ;)

This links to the last part of your previous question (Should I be considering anything else?"). I think I get where you are coming from, you bought a nice DE89 and then think, "right one big splurge and buy the best and be done with it". If that is your thinking then unfortunately it is not that simple, every razor shaves different and the best or dearest may not be the best for you. Do you want to go top notch and want to know which one is the best? One sure fire way to find out (if you can stomach the cash hit) is to buy both and try them side by side then keep the one you like the most. sell the one you decide is worst; the loss should not be huge on the one you sell, if you keep the packaging and tags etc it should fetch somewhere between half and two thirds of original price on a BIN or more at auction but this is drastic measures and only worth doing of money is not a concern.

If you have decided to buy one of them (and it has to be one Feather or Pils) then ask yourself the question of what you want in this luxury purchase (the items Max listed above, long or short handle, heavy or light, smooth or knurled handle etc.) this would be a good way to narrow it down. My personal advice would be to try a few other razors before making the decision, what is your favourite now may change as your skill grows.

The shortest summary I could say is the Feather is mild the Pils is more aggressive but both could be an everyday razor.

Hope this helps.
Thank you to everyone that has posted opinions and advice, I have been reading and digesting accordingly :)

Taking your advice into consideration, I am going to save the extra for the Pils razor, whilst remaining open to other / different suggestions. Further, as a relatively new DE shaver (wish I had discovered this method years ago, I have been missing out), I am going to try a Futur, the thinking behind this being that I can dial up or down the aggressiveness and this should give me a much clearer idea of which direction I am heading in with regard to razor choice.

I originally thought buy the best to start with and it would save money in the long term, but I now see it is more about the journey. The best razor for me may be a razor I haven't yet considered or yet know about, or it might not have been made yet! This could get expensive :lol:

I'm thinking about trying some hard soaps now... but that's a different section :D

Happy shaving :)
i have expensive razors, i have cheap razors, i have tried lots, i used to think that i must spend lots on a razor to get the best shave, after trying loads of razors, my favourite razor bar none now is a GEM Single Edge, cost £4.00, gives me the best shaves i have ever had.

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