De razor where do go next?

Hey all, im new so i hope im not repeating a earlier post! (Bear with)

Ive been using an EJ DE89 for a year and its amazing, been using mostly polsilver blades as they work well for me.

So two questions...
1. What would you recommend i buy as a second razor? Maybe one that is a bit more efficient? Sometimes i cant get as close as i would like with the 89.
2. What blades would you recommend i try, if polsilver are ones that seem to suit my face, (ive tried wilkinson sword, not that fussed, astra SP which i like but not as goos as polsilver and derby, which tug way too much in the ej89)

Your help would be greatly appreciated
A vintage Gillette or a twist on the modern DE theme (Merkur 37c or Progress, or even Muhle R41) is traditional... But you could go crazy with a straight, injector, Single Edge...

Basically - have an ogle at SOTD and see what takes your fancy. Whack the items of interest into Google, read the hype, and jump on board.

Personna Med Prep, Polsilver Super Iridium, Gillette 7oc Black, Feather, Perma-Sharp Super are all blades that I like. NotTheStig often has some lovely sample packs on offer.
They're perfectly easy to use. Unless you have particularly atrocious motor control, safety razors don't have much of a learning curve. I haven't had the R41 and the 37c in my possession for a few years but, really, take your pick. They're inexpensive enough not and, if you don't take to them, you'll be able to claw back a fair portion of your outlay on the BST forum (TSR's classifieds).
Ive been using an EJ DE89 for a year, been using mostly polsilver blades as they work well for me.

1. What would you recommend i buy as a second razor? Maybe one that is a bit more efficient? Sometimes i cant get as close as i would like with the 89.

2. What blades would you recommend i try, if polsilver are ones that seem to suit my face.

Hi there,

Right now I would suggest figuring out your druthers regarding personal bite preference. Best and fastest way after a year of shaving is to get an adjustable and play with the settings. When you get an idea what works best then you can more easily match up the next non adjustable razor with that similar performance and feel. Right now I would hold off on trying something that was off the beaten track in some way.

New Merkur Progress is one good option, as are vintage Gillettes. These types will not shave the same as each other.

Try the Gillette SharpEdge yellow wrapper......very nice modern blade.
There's both of those available on the pass round forum so you could give them a bash and see what suits. With a years experience with a DE they'll both be simple enough to use. I found the R41 to be less of a blood thirsty killer than I expected and the 37c was another nice razor.

If you want something similar to the DE89 with a bit more efficiency you'd be hard pressed to beat a Standard which can be had on Massdrop regularly for a very reasonable price - I have one and have barely used any of my other razors since I got it!
Hi there,

Right now I would suggest figuring out your druthers regarding personal bite preference. Best and fastest way after a year of shaving is to get an adjustable and play with the settings. When you get an idea what works best then you can more easily match up the next non adjustable razor with that similar performance and feel.

New Merkur Progress is one good option, as are vintage Gillettes. These types will not shave the same as each other.

Try the Gillette SharpEdge yellow wrapper......very nice modern blade.
Thanks that makes alot of sense, so merkur progress and one much better than the other?
There's both of those available on the pass round forum so you could give them a bash and see what suits. With a years experience with a DE they'll both be simple enough to use. I found the R41 to be less of a blood thirsty killer than I expected and the 37c was another nice razor.

If you want something similar to the DE89 with a bit more efficiency you'd be hard pressed to beat a Standard which can be had on Massdrop regularly for a very reasonable price - I have one and have barely used any of my other razors since I got it!
Thanks for the reply, what is massdrop and is standard a brand of de razo, sorry to sound so green
@Bechet thanks for your reply im a bit new so can u explain what you mean, is it to buy a stainless steel de razor? And if so what do u recommend, so for all the questions
Yes - buy a stainless DE razor. ATT are available to buy retail and are excellent shavers/. iKon. Weber if you can find one. The shortly to be released Blackbird is much discussed in a tread here.
Thanks that makes alot of sense, so merkur progress and one much better than the other?

Both are popular, with the Progress being more so. I was surprised they both fit me so well. I would suggest the Progress regular sized handle version. Heh, the settings can go crazy high on both if that's what you wanna experience, much more than the Gillettes.
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