Dare I say....

If I might just mention
It was never my intention
To invade the sacred space
Of your manly shaving place

Just for me a soapy home
And some good advice on foam
Some genteel wit and banter
And chat of lofts and badger

So forgive my yoghurt jumper
And my repressed desire to utter
I too want facial hair
It's really so unfair!

O.K. still working on that laureat nomination....I'll get my coat.
Soapalchemist wrote;
Dare I say....
If I might just mention
It was never my intention
To invade the sacred space
Of your manly shaving place

Just for me a soapy home
And some good advice on foam
Some genteel wit and banter
And chat of lofts and badger

So forgive my yoghurt jumper
And my repressed desire to utter
I too want facial hair
It's really so unfair!

O.K. still working on that laureat nomination....I'll get my coat.

I for one like the the presence of a rational female on the forum, more power to your elbow
Thank you gentlemen for your kindness to a lady in distress.

Pigcat, I'm getting so blind, I'm hoping that by the time the worst happens, at least I won't be able to see it. ;) 'Sodium Laureate Sulphate'. I like it....just waiting for Henk to post a 'Potassium Laureate Sulphate' competing entry!

Gosh fellows, wouldn't it be lovely if we could turn this into a peotry corner :idea: :D

Sonny, couldn't you feel it emanating from your screen, like some more sensitive folk?? :lol:

Antdad, I could say I wasn't worried, 'twas just the muse upon me......but would it be entirely true.........

Sir Prize; I shall do my very, very best! Scouts honour!

Slim Jim, as one of the founder members of my soon to be internationally famous very own cyber corner, what can I say; but that I too welcome the presence of rational men wherever I can find them. ;)

Rev-O.....hope you're feeling the love vibe again now, as it's well after tea time.

Andy, thank you.

RB73, I'm not going to inquire further......enough for one weekend, for me at any rate.

Cheese Dave, if that beard was white, it would be very seasonal!!
Steady on, Cheese Dave, we are speaking on an interchange with a reverand here, so obviously the love work is to be interpreted in its broadest most Platonic sense.
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