Custom Kropp.

Well after using these on a custom job I put together over the last week or two, I posted a few photo's yesterday, well in a moment of reflection i decided i didn't like that blade in those scales, i've always been the type of person regardless if I must start a job all over again, it's a case of if i dont like something, well they had to come off, I already had a lovely looking Kropp razor i restore a while back, the simplistic no nosense of the Kropp blade suited the cocobolo scales perfectly, the German blade is not to my liking really to ornate, not my style, anyway that was probably reflected in the rushed photo's, well the Kropp looks much better, so what do you think.






Well I like it, probably better than with the Iron Duke blade.

Frankly, people love cocobolo for some reason, and this is a nice job cleanly done. There's something about the overall shape which makes me think that this would do well with a square point, or even better one of the very old scimitar shaped blades.

The liners work well with the timber, but I'm not so sure about the wedge material or the angle, and as a whole the scales look over-long for the blade. Your workmanship goes without question Jamie, but I don't think the blade fits these scales as well as it could.
Thanks for your imput Andy, but as for fit i would say when the blade is closed it's one of the nicest fit of any razor i own. the Iron Duke just didn't suit those scales and the fit wasn't to my liking either. but in all honesty and i have never been to worried to scrap any work or project i've created if i thought it didn't work, and maybe i could change the back end ? But like so many things Andy it sometime comes down to individual taste. PS but I would concede that when I use the razor if I feel the handle is slightly over wieghted because of the larger silver wedge, I may take it back a little and rework the back end and reform the wedge and maybe use one pin instead of two, I have actually thought about this, could be a option Andy.

Regards Jamie
I don't know about changing the scales Jamie - I wasn't critiquing them at all. It would be interesting to see a square point in them though. Some extra weight at the wedge end is no bad thing (within reason!), hence the lead wedges in some older razors especially those with thin ivory scales. As you say, it's definitely a matter of individual preference.
Well Andy I gave the Kropp a run out today, and in all honesty I did find it slightly off balance, well that just isn't good enough, so back to the workshop, I decided to take off about 10mm, then do away with the double pins, smaller wedge slightly closer to the blade well i've looked at the razor and think it's just spot on.




Amazing the difference that's made Jamie, the blade really does look at home now.

By the way, there will be a slightly unusual Kropp coming up from me shortly, and I'll be very disappointed if you don't let me have both barrels if you don't like it ;)
I look forward to seeing your work Andy, when you consider some of the work a cabinet maker like yourself put together I expect something top draw from you.

Regards Jamie.
That looks wonderful. I've got a couple of Kropps (5/8 Sheffield ground and a 6/8 Hamburg ground), both excellent shavers but in need of a bit of TLC on the blades to restore their original lustre.
Did you have it restored or do it yourself?

Happy nerw year

allatsea said:
That looks wonderful. I've got a couple of Kropps (5/8 Sheffield ground and a 6/8 Hamburg ground), both excellent shavers but in need of a bit of TLC on the blades to restore their original lustre.
Did you have it restored or do it yourself?

Happy nerw year


I restored the razor myself.

Regards Jamie.
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