Custom in Cocoblo

Hi I have been working on this little custom project for a little while since I kindly recieved a few exotic wood blanks off Bill AKA Beejay, well as soon as I saw them there were a few that jumped out at me but the one Cocobolo did shout at me to do something with, well I already owned a very nice vintage blade that already had been restored, but I was never really keen on the scales even though they were original, anyway on to the scales and build, I manage with a great deal of caution to get the Cocoblo down to a thickness of 2mm each scale, then i glued a pair of 1mm faux ivory liners taking each scale up to 3mm, I already sourced the nickel silver pins plus stainless steel washers, I also decided to make my own sterling silver wedge out of a old but of no value George the second seconda crown, anway the work was very much enjoyable but very labour intensive, I was pleased with the finished razor, but that's my call, so now the reveal, hope you all enjoy he razor as much as I did putting it together. PS sorry about the photo's not my usual standard, but I was in a hurry and poor light, well that's my excuse





Nice job there mate! I have some Rio Rosewood that would look good lined, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get the faux ivory sheet from?
I purchased them from woodland knife supplies, you can find them on the UK blade forum, they also sell on ebay, you would have to contact him and tell him the size you want, because the standard knife sets are not quite big enough, but he's a good bloke and will cut them for you if you ask. PS sorry about the photo's not my usual standard, but I was in a hurry and poor light, well that's my excuse.

Regards Jamie.
That's a stunning piece of work, Jamie. I've been contemplating getting my plastic-handled Feather re-scaled at some point, and if I got an outcome like that I'd be overjoyed!
Dr Rick said:
That's a stunning piece of work, Jamie. I've been contemplating getting my plastic-handled Feather re-scaled at some point, and if I got an outcome like that I'd be overjoyed!

I've contemplated rescaling my Feather razor, but that handle is very ergonomic and with that nice pivot it wouldn''t be that simple, but it's a mystery why feather wouldn't offer a several types of handles as a inter changable add on for users to buy?

Regards Jamie.
pugh-the-special-one said:
I purchased them from woodland knife supplies, you can find them on the UK blade forum, they also sell on ebay, you would have to contact him and tell him the size you want, because the standard knife sets are not quite big enough, but he's a good bloke and will cut them for you if you ask. PS sorry about the photo's not my usual standard, but I was in a hurry and poor light, well that's my excuse.

Regards Jamie.

Thanks for the heads up on that, I have had a bit of a brainstorm, I make and repair guitars, and it occurred to me that scratchplate/ pickguard material might just fit the bill, this is a plastic sheet that comes in 2 - 3 mm 3 ply laminations such as black/white/black, white/black/white, black/white/tortoiseshell etc, I need to order a two ply white/black sheet for a repair and should have enough left over for a couple of sets of scales, I'll give it a try and post the results.


I think it's a different, simpler, handle on the RG than on yours. Now I have the wood version the plastic one's getting no use. Of course it makes no difference to the actual shave, but pretty things are nice :).
Dr Rick said:
I think it's a different, simpler, handle on the RG than on yours. Now I have the wood version the plastic one's getting no use. Of course it makes no difference to the actual shave, but pretty things are nice :).

Yes the RG does have a different handle, but looking at the Feather razor the one thing i think they all have in common is the pivot and dimensions, so no matter which model you would use i believe all the handles are inter changable which would makes sense from a manufacturing point of view also. so if anyone produced a custom set of scales i think it would fit every feather model.

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