Creams melting?

Friday July 20, 2012
I took delivery of a few pots of GFT creams the other day and maybe it's my imagination but it seems a lot less viscous than it used to be. It's quite liquidy and by tilting the pot the cream moves inside (although to no great extent).

I thought maybe the recipe has changed but then figured it could be the heat as it's been hot here in the last few days maybe this has affected the consistency?

Anyone have any similar experiences recently?

A week or ten ago, I returned to different suppliers tubs of GFT Sublime Citrus because it was liquid - slopped around in the tub. One supplier told me their entire stock was the same and they would take the matter up with GFT.

Your post tells me to stay away from them a little longer.
I've had some of those little sample pots of GFT recently, one was stored near my heated towel rail and that one turned to liquid. I dropped another (sealed) into a sink of warm water and that also turned to liquid. Excessive heat does seem to be an issue for their creams for some reason.
I figured mine got heat damaged in the post due to the hot weather earlier in the week, rather than as a result of incorrect storage in my house.