Counterfeit fake Feather blades

Hi Guys

I'v just joined this forum as it seems pretty active :)

I think I'v just bought some fake feather blades from ebay and I'd like your opinions!

I have what I consider to be an original Feather blade pack I bought a few years back, I'll let you compare to see if the differences could possibly be genuine manufacturing changes or definitely frauds.....


Old blades pack is on the left and the new ebay blades are on the right.





What do you think?.... thanks Rory


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Stavros said:
Hi and welcome. What makes you think they could be fake?

Look at the graphic differences on the paper cards (apart from the barcode) The Feather logo on the new one has a lighter font, more worrying is that the curl in the H in "Hi Stainless" goes the wrong way.

The glue for opening the blade wrappers is also different on the new ones its in two defined clumps and on the old ones its more spread out, this is how I became suspicious as it feels different.

Finally the printing on the new blade while a little darker is a little smudged.

Close up of old blade:


Close up of new blade



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Jeltz said:
It looks like a minor change to me. How do the new ones shave? If the shave like a feather then I reckon they are legit.

You could be right but to me they seem like the tell tail signs of a decent copy, Why in the world would Feather change the direction of the curl in the H, I'm a product designer myself and to me this stands out as very strange....

I havent shaved with them yet but will try tomorrow at some stage.

Regard Rory
Seriously this time. If you have a smart phone you can down load a free app for bar code reading. Just check the bar code and it will give you all kinds of info. Including country of origin.

I strongly suspect your suspicions are well founded, for the reasons you state, especially the different font used for the letter H and when you look at the word Feather in capitals again a different slightly thicker font has been used.

Also why would the genuine manufacturer change the way the blade wrapper was folded surely this would require a different machinery set up and for what purpose?

Changes as slight as these would IMHO serve no useful purpose that I can see to the genuine manufacturers.

I surmise by the envelope next to the blades that you purchased them from a non EU country Thailand or Hong Kong perhaps? If this is the case it would only add to any suspicions.

I suspect the blades are counterfeit.

Ok, I just receive my new Feather AS-D2s from Connaught Shaving and inside the razor box are blades shown on right side with barcode. In that case it close the speculation about counterfeit. They are Feathers. I am not able to take picture as I am at work.
I signed up specifically to ask if there was such a thing as fake Feathers. I started DE shaving exactly 6 months ago and went a bit mad experimenting with razors and blades.
I recently bought a sample pack from eBay and the worst blades in it by a long, long way are the Feathers.
They almost bounce along my face as they pluck the hairs out and bring tears to my eyes.
It has put me right off buying them, unless there is a chance they are fake.

I had them in a very aggressive, 99p almost weightless plastic razor at the time, but none of the other blades I tried in it did that.
Contact the manuf. via e-mail. I would not send photos until I had approval as their 'spam' filters may cause them to cancel the message. There is a spot on their webpage on how to e-mail them:

As to their shave quality, like a physician trying to diagnose over the phone this is difficult as we don't know objectively your level of skill regarding DE shaving. See what the manuf. says first. ;)
Why would anyone bother faking them? I wouldn't have thought there's enough profit in blades to bother.

Looking at the photos I had a hard time telling them apart, I'd say they were far too good to be a fake.

As for the printing, etc, could easily be explained by changing suppliers/factories.
The minimal differences suggest to me that these aren't fake. If you have the resources to manufacture a fake blade and packaging of such quality then it strikes me that there are much more profitable ways to make use of it than fake DE blades. The difference between them could easily be a case of changing suppliers/factories as @longplay says above. Buy a new pack of Wilkinsons or Polsilver today and they'll be nothing like the blades of a few years back but that doesn't make them fake.

As for the quality of Feathers to shave with then they are actually a blade that a lot of people really don't get along with. They wouldn't make my top 10 blades - more evidence of the YMMV aspect of shaving.
Why would anyone bother faking them? I wouldn't have thought there's enough profit in blades to bother.

Looking at the photos I had a hard time telling them apart, I'd say they were far too good to be a fake.

As for the printing, etc, could easily be explained by changing suppliers/factories.
This has all been covered before..Counterfeit Razor Blades is a Worldwide Multi Million Buck Business..They have even managed to Infiltrate Big Vendors Who are Buy in Bulk Shareholders..;)

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