Cologne "Sleeper"

Monday August 31, 2015
One of the most underrated men's colognes of all time is Lomani Pour Homme. Dirt cheap to boot!! A review by an Italian on Basenotes sums it up best:

Yes, an old fashioned but still well performing "barber-shop fougere" possibly more aromatic and minty than Drakkar Noir, with a more stout lavender, patchouli, coriander, juniper berries and herbal (in general) presence and a less mossy/smokey/resinous/spicy (sweet spices i mean) dry down. Yes, more watery (i would say fluidy but absolutely without any aquatic element) or anyway less mossy and thick, more longly fresh and sparkling than the Laroche one. The top notes are really a powerful mix of minty lavender, woodsy spices, aromatic herbs, tangerine (synthetic) and lime (some aldehydes and pine needles yet??). The dry down is cool, still barber-shop, "neutral" and musky/rooty "from the forest" (i detect the oakmoss/vetiver combo) with something "laundry type" conjuring me slightly the classic Paco Rabanne Pour Homme. The transition from the top to the bottom is fast, slightly pharmaceutical and un-complicated. Virile and bursting in the frost as drinking a fizzy/gassy mineral water outside under the snow. Not bad.

There was never an after shave version however.
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