Coates Almond R I P

New Forest, England.

Gone. Last shave with it today.Now long discontinued. this was one of the very best creams from an old established English brand. If you ever find an unused pot, snap it up. Even if a bit hydrated, it will still deliver fine lather.
Were Coats not reintroduced in 2010? They have a Limited Editon shaving cream available in - where else - the States. $20. Tea Tree & Rosemary, which, apparently, is not for those with sensitive skin. Oh! and here in the UK.

Grooming Health have a UK site dated 2005 - 2012 with three flavours of Coates - including almond - at £16 but are Out of Stock - permanently or temporarily, who knows?

Might be worth contacting them, Fido?

A little more insight here.
Anyway, the reincarnation is itself defunct. IIRC, Robert from The Gentleman's Shop revived it, but there were problems with customers experiencing irritation from the formulation, and I think it was an extra workload that Robert didn't want to continue with.
I once got a sample of the Coates cream from Paul at Connaught, it stung a lot when I used it, but my son has since shaved using the sample of Coates with no stinging sensation. I used it twice, but could hardly finish the shave for the irritation.
AfaIk that was the 2010 re-launch Limited Edition - see my first post in the thread.

Also as per my first post in the thread - the last link - now copied here -

Coates letterhead not copied

New Beginning
Posted on June 21, 2012 by admin
Today sees the departure from Coate's of Robert & Charlotte Johnston who have resigned as directors and sold their 50% stake to fellow Director Andrew Gidden.

Coate's no longer has any connection with The Gentleman's Shop and all enquiries regarding products should be directed to Andrew, or Alex,

Under Andrew Coate's will again flourish with a new product range about to be launched imminently.


Who can tell how good or bad the new product range will be.
That old stuff has been always been considered one of the very best creams ever made and for a while I was kicking myself that I didn't grab some when Paul was still selling it.

There was a brief glimmer of hope when news broke of it being relaunched and the Internet went mad and the people involved must've thought they'd hit the jackpot ... which they very well could have done.

Shame then, that the relaunched Coates was such a pile of utter shite. The people who revived it ignored the TONS of feedback all over the Internet saying it was causing irritation and even had the front to say on B&B in the face of some serious concerns that they'd 'let worldwide sales' (of their soap) decide if it was any good . . . the whole thing went tits up shortly after.

I don't worry about finding old Coates now we've got Soapal cooking things on her stove, seeking feedback, tweaking things here and there and destroying all her competition.
Nice post Vin, that's exactly how it unfolded.

The new one was just terrible. Smelled nice but the face fire. Wow. I've never had a feeling like that.

It could have very well been brilliant, a shame they didn't listen.

Finding a new old pot would be very rare now. Even second hand!
Bechet45 said:
Dipesh said:
Nice post Vin, that's exactly how it unfolded.

Correct tense, Dipesh - past.

As of last June, a line was drawn in the sand and now Andrew Gidden is going to resurrect Coates again, allegedly.

It won't happen.

Robert made a complete arse of it and Andrew has been sold a pup.
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