Choose my shave of the day!

Tuesday October 26, 2010
Two days' worth of thick wiry stubble.

Razor Options:
Merkur 38R
Gillette Rocket HD
Gillette Fatboy
Wizamet W3
Gillette Old Type
Gillette New (1930s)

Blade Options:
Astra Superior Platinum
Gillette 7 o'clock Sharp Edge
Supermax Stainless

Ever Ready 1912 (no choice of blade)

First answer 'wins'! :icon_razz:
38R with a Feather it is! I had a feeling it would be a Feather or a 'yellow'... wasn't sure what razor people would choose though.

You do realise if I happen to get a nick on today's shave it's Dipesh and Jackforce's fault? :lol:
N.B. Thanks for not choosing Derby. You guys are alright in my opinion!
Maybe shaving with a Derby should be a Children In Need stunt... instead of ripping off chest hair with Veet cream rip off facial hair with a Derby! :)
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