Chinese Rhino and Super Thin PIF

Put a Rhino blade into my DLC Weber as a test run this morning - remembering that Webers take any blade up to the next category.

Going WTG 1st PAss it felt OK in the sideburn area but was slightly tuggy on my cheeks - enough to sound warning bells and I noticed that I was automatically laying back to compensate for drag. XTG went OK, as did ATG but I was laying back ever more - not in degree but in time. Lack of attention/respect almost caused a disaster under my chin but I got away with it because of the blade - more likely to give me a light bruising than to take a slice!

In a masochistic moment I used an alcohol a/s instead of a balm and had my expectation confirmed - but felt fresh and alive after it calmed down.

I'm finger-tip testing the shave and would say BBS but I had to work hard to get it, using every trick I've learned to date. I binned the blade rather than risk causing irritation tomorrow.

My comparison would be to a Derby on day two. In a lesser razor, I might be critical of this blade.

Thanks to NTS for the opportunity to test it.
Friday Morning

Tried out the Chinese Gillette Super Thin this morning

I was expecting this blade to be basically the same as the Thai Gillette Super Thin I use on a regular basis, they are after all made in the same factory, both called Gillette Super Thin etc..

No, they are not the same at all.

The blade was definitely not as sharp as the Thai version, it was close but definitely not the same. It still produced a good BBS shave, but not quite as easily as I manage with the Thai ones. I think it should give me another shave tomorrow.

Prep: Hot Shower
Cream: TOBS Jermyn Street
Brush: Simpson Chubby 2 Best Badger
Razor: Feather AS-D1
Blade: Chinese Gillette Super Thin
A/S: TOBS Jermyn Street

Lose the beard said:
Friday Morning

Tried out the Chinese Gillette Super Thin this morning

I was expecting this blade to be basically the same as the Thai Gillette Super Thin I use on a regular basis, they are after all made in the same factory, both called Gillette Super Thin etc..

No, they are not the same at all.

The blade was definitely not as sharp as the Thai version, it was close but definitely not the same. It still produced a good BBS shave, but not quite as easily as I manage with the Thai ones. I think it should give me another shave tomorrow.

This one is stainless, Thai is super stainless, and Vietnamese is super platinum.
Tried a Gillette Super This this morning - but not until I'd completed a WTG 1st Pass with a 'Blitz' blade from Germany, of all places. The Blitz only just survived till the end of the first pass - and then into the bin it went. Left my face sensitized, I guess.

The Super Thin was a vast improvement over the Rhino of yesterday but fell far short of the mark to get onto my excellence list. A DFS without working at it but it felt a little rough - maybe thanks to the Blitz. I binned this one as well as I wouldn't fancy a second shave from it.

Two Chinese blades I would not buy and a German one beneath considering.
posted the razors to dermusss this morning.

i just used the rhino blade with my merkur 43c and trumper's rose soap and got a very good shave out of it.

3 passes, W/A/ATG. it felt a bit tuggy on the first pass but not uncomfortably so and the rest of the shave was very enjoyable.

it's a blade that performed well for me on it's first use but it's not something i would buy in preference to polsilver or feather.

Many thanks for the opportunity to try it - i will let you know how my second shave goes and also review the super thin.
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