Cella smells of . . . what?

OK, after usingthe Cella Fella as my avatar for nearly a year I have at last tried the stuff: Boab very kindly gave me a slab and it lathers very nicely indeed.

But it looks and smells like some sort of mild goat's cheese. Or is that just me? (Err . . . you know what I mean: my opinion, not me per se.)

Is it fragranced? If so, what it is the smell? Am I mad and/or missing something here?

Edit: apparently it smells of almonds/marzipan ??!! P160, yes, very much so; but Cella . . . ??
I think Cella smells like almond paste. I don't think it's particularly sweet, but it's not quite a natural or bitter almond scent either.
I agree that P160 is far sweeter - more marzipan-y, almost to the level of confectionary sweetness.

Both have an underlying scent which I assume is either a by product of the production, or the scent of the soap itself. It's a kind of powdery milk kind of smell - Proraso smells of it too once you get past all the chemically tiger balmy menthol and eucalyptus, so I would say it's just how the Italians make their lovely soap. I've just dug out my old nugget of Cella and the almond aroma isn't nearly as strong as it once was - maybe your sample has sufficiently aged, Rev?
I am using Cella now for about three months, which isn't long enough to get through the first kilo, and I think it has a scent of Almond that's not very overwhelming. It's there it's nice but it's not too much.

I also have the P 160, that smells more after Almond but also sweeter, probably like most here call it marzipan.

I read on another forum that some shave-addicts want to taste soaps; that would probably give a better comparison. Any volunteers???
Subtle almond but that slight acridity might be the tallow. I'm not saying its off but there is a lot of fat in there and it's also the soap with the least number of ingredients I know, so maybe there just aren't enough parabens in there.

I thought Cella was marzipan but it seems everyone else reckons it is fairly tame compared to p160.

Thank the Gods I didn't get involved in the B&B p160 shenanigans then.
I couldn't smell much almond from the cella, the p160 does blow it out the water on the scent.
For me the P160 has a strong almond scent and I don't mind it at all, it's a superb soap. The Cella, when fresh, is similar but develops a hint of fat/tallow as it ages. Different preservatives?

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