
Friday July 10, 2009
to be been seen in a supermarket near you, otherwise known as "River Cobbler" or "Basa" originating from S.E Asia.

Thank the protectionist US catfish Industry for name change, fairly bland medium flake fish which needs seasoning or a coating but it's not too bad as an alternative.
called Pangasius, i bought some pangasius from Tesco a few months ago, just to i was going to make some spicy fishcakes, the fish was flimsy and had a slight aftertaste i didn't like, and images of it swimming in dirty vietnamese water just put me off !!

a fish and chip shop in Hounslow was fined for selling it as Cod !!

would like to see my chippy serve this up with chips and a Gherkin though !:

With all the jobbie that goes into rivers (and therefore oceans) worldwide... I'll leave it to you guys. The fact that I'm "seriously intolerant" of something present in dead fish is neither here nor there :lol:

If anyone wants to see projectile vomiting, slip me some fish... you'll get it back at high speed. If I touch a dead fish I get chemical burns on my fingers... all in all quite unpleasant.
I expect it is farmed rather being caught from the local toilet.


Thats the Meekong catfish BTW not the same as pangasius pangasius or pangasius hypothalmus.
antdad said:
Good oh...Catfish and Chips it is then.

They've survived your absence then?
The potatoes, rocket, chillies, parsley and coriander have. The chervil has gone to seed, and the extra parsely I planted in "bad printer" all died. That damn printer is useless even as a plant pot.
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