Car insurance

My favourite time of year has cine, when it is time to renew my car insurance. Being a late learner with less than 4 years of driving under my belt, I still feel a bit unknowledgeable about car insurance and hope for some advice.

Current provider, which I have been with for the last 4 years doesn't seem to be dropping in price a great deal, even with haggling on the phone but a quick comparison site gives some better quotes for me (I'm essentially a full time student with two part time jobs at the moment) which are financially better for me.

My question I go with the cheapest as they are "all the same" or go for a more reputable company?

Thanks in advance
Hi Karl, have a quick scan of the Key Facts documents and double check the exclusions and excesses. Always get legal cover as it can be a very costly exercise if you don't have this. When you're confident you're comparing like for like, you can go with the cheapest.
This may sound old fashioned but have you tried a decent broker. I am using A-plan. I have no connection beyond being a customer but they've given me excellent service.
They don't play silly games at renewal like most do!
This may sound old fashioned but have you tried a decent broker. I am using A-plan. I have no connection beyond being a customer but they've given me excellent service.
They don't play silly games at renewal like most do!

My dad insures his car with a local broker. Would it be better to use this method than the internet compare sites?
Check your current cover, go to a comparison site and get a quote. Ring your current and tell them you have had a quote for what ever from another company. Your current company will then go off and come back with a fresh quote. I always do this and always get a cheaper quote.
My dad insures his car with a local broker. Would it be better to use this method than the internet compare sites?
Best to have a few quotes then see what the broker can do. A good broker scans the whole market for you. Might be worth talking to your Dad's broker especially if you share an address!
As an insurance broker I say give the broker a go! The broker route may not always be cheapest, but the real value in a decent broker is being able to speak to them and tell them exactly what you want and if you find insurance confusing then that's exactly where a broker helps. They may surprise you and save you money, give it a go you've nothing to lose. Brokers will also help you with claims, they act for you and are useful to have in your corner.

Motor insurance is an odd product, insurers don't tend to reward loyalty like you find in the commercial and corporate insurance market. I change insurer every year.

Oh and before you ask sorry no, I can't quote for you, I only do commercial insurance :)

Good luck
My wife and I have always used a broker for all our insurance needs: auto, homeowner', excess liability, valuable articles. We find our broker very helpful in sorting the wheat from the chaff when it comes to insurers and their ability to pay, their claims paying record and customer service when a claim is filed. In my view price is not the determining factor when selecting an insurer. There are many pitfalls in insurance coverage and some may not be apparent until you file a claim. It's a complex business and (that's) where the knowledge and expertise of a good broker comes into play.
My wife and I have always used a broker for all our insurance needs: auto, homeowner', excess liability, valuable articles. We find our broker very helpful in sorting the wheat from the chaff when it comes to insurers and their ability to pay, their claims paying record and customer service when a claim is filed. In my view price is not the determining factor when selecting an insurer. There are many pitfalls in insurance coverage and some may not be apparent until you file a claim. It's a complex business and (that's) where the knowledge and expertise of a good broker comes into play.
Wise counsel Rufus
Just received the annual renewal letter for my car insurance (Swinton); Quick phone call and they reduced the price by £20 for the same cover.
Just received the annual renewal letter for my car insurance (Swinton); Quick phone call and they reduced the price by £20 for the same cover.

My current provider dropped £260 off mine. Apparently it was because of my job role but I think they just price matched another quote I happened to mention.
My current provider dropped £260 off mine. Apparently it was because of my job role but I think they just price matched another quote I happened to mention.
Nice, I think we may drive different cars as my insurance is £180 a year.
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