Captains choice bay rum

Friday March 16, 2018
Hi All
I've been hankering to give Captains choice bay rum a go - in particular the Cat-o-nine tail variety! Unfortunately my search has come to no avail as it seems unavailable in the UK and US have restrictions on shipping Alcohol based products.
I have found one seller “Italian Barber” willing to ship but the shipping charges are horrendous. Is there anybody who knows a UK source that isn't going to break the bank??
There isn't one mate. I bought mine directly from them(Captains choice) about two years ago & it wasn't pretty(customs charges I mean).
Oh well, did kind of expect that answer as I've searched extensively! Just can bring myself to pay $30 postage on a $18 bottle and have duties to cough up at our end !
Ok, couldn't resist ordered a bottle and a bay rum soap to even out the shipping ! All things considered as there wasn't any import duty didn't turnout too expensive!
Ok so the CONT. is really nice , strong initial aroma of (strangely enough) juniper - perhaps this is the bay coming through! It is quit an oily note but quickly overridden buy a clove aroma! Funny as it's marketed as zero clove. Whole thing settles as a vanilla, cinnamon and clove!
Face feel really nice, good burn but nothing to be concerned about, with a nice calming post effect.
All in all very happy and would buy again albeit the fragrance is really really short lived!
Big bonus it marries almost seamlessly with the mighty Aramis Havana so currently sitting with a glow and in a lovely cloud of bay, booze n Havana cigar shop! Mmmmmmmmm
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