BST thread closed...

We've all got opinions on whether certain rules should be changed, but at the moment, rules being broken is causing hassle for the mods. Everyone suggesting changes to the rules is work for the mods.

Stick to the rules and we might get BST back. Maybe it'll be possible to look at the rules further down the line if the amount of grief drops off.
Boab said:
zygalski said:
Yeah, but scrapping BST doesn't exactly aid newbies though, eh?

You have totally missed the point haven't you, Carl can you explain it again please?

In a ship, democracy ceases at the top of the gangway. In this forum, democracy stops when you sign in. Stop pissing the owner and Mods off, else you will lose BST permanently. It ain't up for discussion, Boab has spoken and said "Abide by the rules I have set". End of. lads.

Or put another way, it's Boab's ball in Boab's stadium and the game is Boab's. No one is invited to interject.

He runs things his way and in so doing has created a very pleasant, trusting and trust-worthy environment until now. Whoever it is giving grief, cut it out! Whoever doesn't like Boab's rules, go elsewhere. If you think you can change his mind in this thread, forget it, you are mistaken.

Obey the Rules or lose BST. Simples.

Except for total thick-heads, I think that covers it, Boab?
I've bought/traded a few bits here over the years, and have yet to have a bad experience, thankfully. I do like to at least ensure that the person I'm dealing with has a bit of form. I'd be loathe to 'gift' £100 to a new member for an item. If I trust the seller, I might decide to pay by 'gift', but that's at my own risk.

I'm not a fan of the 'plus fees' thing though. If I see it on a listing, I move on.

Hopefully BST will return. It's always fun to take a peek at what's there.
Plus fees does annoy me. Surely sellers could advertise the price including fees. Seems a bit lazy to not work them out. It's also a bit annoying when the price is removed after its sold. Makes it difficult to price a similar item. I appreciate that a different price could be negotiated by pm but that was deemed by the seller a fair price.
As for f&f payments then surely it's a case of buyer beware. Although as you are getting a service from PayPal isn't it fair to pay for it? I have used both methods. To be honest even with a goods or service payment I wouldn't bother making a fuss unless it was a large amount. Chalk it up to experience and move on. As someone mentioned before I think the named and shamed post could be utilised carefully
I have seen a few posts interfering with sales and querying prices, unnecessary and unhelpful in my view. I also see people praising prices or the honesty of a member but as it's not directly involving the sale probably a technical breach.
Thankfully bar a trade that the other party had no intention of fulfilling all my business on here has been with gentlemen, and I hope anyone who has bought from me feels similar.
Hopefully the BST will be back up soon but in the meantime I'm off to check up on the rules again.

Keep up the good work Boab.
Bechet45 said:
Boab said:
zygalski said:
Yeah, but scrapping BST doesn't exactly aid newbies though, eh?

You have totally missed the point haven't you, Carl can you explain it again please?

In a ship, democracy ceases at the top of the gangway. In this forum, democracy stops when you sign in. Stop pissing the owner and Mods off, else you will lose BST permanently. It ain't up for discussion, Boab has spoken and said "Abide by the rules I have set". End of. lads.

Or put another way, it's Boab's ball in Boab's stadium and the game is Boab's. No one is invited to interject.

He runs things his way and in so doing has created a very pleasant, trusting and trust-worthy environment until now. Whoever it is giving grief, cut it out! Whoever doesn't like Boab's rules, go elsewhere. If you think you can change his mind in this thread, forget it, you are mistaken.

Obey the Rules or lose BST. Simples.

Except for total thick-heads, I think that covers it, Boab?

Well said! It really can't be any clearer!

H-town boys, H-town boys, Doc Martin boots and corduroys. (To the refrain; Hersham Boys by the immortal Sham 69.

We had joy we had fun we had Bellshill on the run, but the fun didn't last coz the Baskits ran too fast (as above Seasons in the sun by the pishy Terry Jacks)

Not that I ever indulged in such base behaviour. Far too cultured and pretty to jeapordise my boyish good looks.........Feart


Once in a while there will be a forum member ripping others off. Seen it on other forums and didn't we have something here maybe 2-3 years ago? Forgot who that was but I will remember it if I see it.

The thing is, this usually takes a while till it bubbles to the surface in some way. I don't know if that happened here recently, but this is post is just for general information anyway.

I would guess that most deals are not seen, but done among other members privately. The BST section shows some certainly and those might be easily followed for any later issues. Maybe not though, and I will tell you why.

People are generally trusting in this kind of environment, which is really more like a club or something. You wanna give everyone the benefit of the doubt and I am guilty of that myself....up to a point.

Also, most people are polite and don't wanna make waves or cause bad feelings until there's no option left. Going back and forth with PMs, trying to resolve a bad deal. This takes a while and in the meantime other members are probably getting screwed as well. Yeah, don't think you're the only one. Nice eh?

So what I do with someone I don't know well is treat a deal like it's a ebay thing, with just a little more rope to make good. I sure don't have a problem opening a Paypal dispute if that's what it takes, and I don't wait all that long before doing that. Heh, I learned about that 'gift'/no refund in this thread here.....thanks. I would have probably done that if asked.

I have seen this kinda thing in maybe 4 different forums, although only three are shaving related. If a deal's taking too long from crap excuses or you didn't (or ever) get what was described or there's no communication with the seller, don't wait so long to mention things in the forum. Easy enough to apologize if your post isn't a nasty one. You can always ramp things up later.


Oh wait...I remember one particular rip off artist and some of his great excuses why stuff wasn't mailed. Hah, one time he broke his ankle going to the post office!. Yeah, that was pretty good. There was also one Dead Mother in the mix,which is a real classic.
dodgy said:
Oh wait...I remember one particular rip off artist and some of his great excuses why stuff wasn't mailed. Hah, one time he broke his ankle going to the post office!. Yeah, that was pretty good. There was also one Dead Mother in the mix,which is a real classic.

Didn't he also disappear with the original PIF slant? I know that I organised a whip round to buy a replacement of one of the PIFs and I'm pretty sure it was the same chap who disappeared with several BSTs at the same time.
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