BST privileges

Tuesday August 18, 2015
Hello there admins! I wanted to post a few items for sale today and hopped on the BST page only to find that I don't have "suficient privileges" to post there. Maybe I missed some changes in the rules or something else but I did not have this problem a while back.

Can you please tell me how I can get more privileges and why all of a sudden I dont have enough?

Thank you for your support,

Atanas Minchev
There is a thread about somewhere - yesterday? - explaining the implementation of the Rules that have been there since whenever but which were not enforced after the website changeover problems. Now membership is up again and the Rules are being imposed - they protect us against first post sellers using you as a source of easy cash.

When you are deemed to be an active member, you will gain BST privileges.

Looking at your post list, you have been mostly active in trading in your eleven posts.
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Thank you for you quick answer! Where can I find the requirements list for an "active member" and who is in charge of that decision?

And as for my activities in the forum - yes I have been moslty active on the BST but I have not had any complaint about pricing or shipping so I don't see how that can be a threat to any forum members.
The rules make total sense however not everybody contributes in the same way - the people who read but dont post are just as important as the ones who do. They contribute with their participation. Not everyone wants to make reviews and open discussions - some people just like to read and not make 3-5 word comments everytime they agree or disagree with something since the topics here are highly subjective. What is the forums definition of "meaningful contribution"?

By not having some clear expectations or requirements the forum turns in a society with hidden rules that only certain members with cetain behaviour have access to its features and this is not how the joy of the hobby and the information is spread.

And also why not give the opportunity to people to sell their stuff here without contribution - at the end if the sale is completed a fellow forum member benefits by buying it. We carry all the risk and the resposibility and I think that he members here are vigilant enough to spot any malicious intionsions and activities.

I dont want to start an argument or anything like that and I understand why the rules are as such. But taking away privileges without any warning, inquiry or suggestion is not encouraging participation - it is punishment for not meeting subjective and not publicly available expectations. Maybe a warning system can be established acompanied by some advice that promotes "meaningful contribution". It seems to me that the system now is writte comments and open threads and hopefully an admin will find you suitable to give you privileges.
You might be burning some bridges.

I hope I am not because what I do is simply voice my opinion about a envirionment we all want to improve and to encourage other people to join. And if this leads to somebody not liking me than I dont need that "bridge" anyway. But thanks for the warning Joe :)
Our view on what constitutes a meaningful contribution: its along the same lines as Justice Potter Stewart in Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U.S. 184 (1964) on what constitutes obscenity.

"I know it when I see it"

(Put plainly - short replies and a shitstorm of replies in a short period do not normally imply meaningful contribution - it is NOT a fixed requirement, so it's not X posts or Y likes or being a member for Z days that gets you access - and as mentioned by others, jumping up and down and making an eejit of yourself is not endearing you to anyone and may attract unwelcome special treatment in your quest to get BST access - which is a privilege, not a right and has been withdrawn from errant members previously)

This access arrangement was a long standing feature before we changed the forum software, it got lost in the conversion, only latterly noticed and now it is back.

Continue to argue if you wish - but consider how it appears to all looking on, not just the moderators & administrators.
So what you are saying is that the meaningful contribution of the members is open to the individual interpretation and the unregulated judgement of the administrators and moderators. Now I clearly understand it.

And I want to make it clear that I do not want my BST privileges back if it is not according to the rules. All I asked is for an explanation (which I got) and support on the matter because I feel I got punished for something that "got lost in the conversion, only latterly noticed and now it is back". I can not argue the validity of the rules regarding the participation in the forum (in my opinion they make perfect sence) instead I challenged the process of informing the members they have strayed from the rules and offering support. And as a result I would like to volunteer to support the improvement of this processes in the future ? I dont know how my qualifications are comming across but I can assure you I have plenty experience in establishing organisational culture and internal communication channels and maintaining them.

I would also like to express my concern about the fact that I simply asked a few apparently uncomfortable questions and that led to clear warnings that I may somehow ruin my relationships with the members and "attract unwelcome special treatment". And I am glad that this conversation is public (as it should be) because I like to consider this forum a place where people can express their opinions freely whithout being judged and excluded for their different point of view. I would hate to realise that is not the case!

Finaly I would like to thank you for you time and patience and once again extend my assistance in any way in managing the forum.

Atanas Minchev
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