Breaking news, shocking!

The world of shaving was rocked tonight when news of the world reporters exposed a Menage a trois between some of the most well known celebrities in the shaving world, when asked the source Mr Jamie Mahoney said it's true I saw them getting down and dirty in my bathroom on many occasions, it's disgusting what they get up to in my bathroom.

I am Mr. Robin Bastard, legal representive for the Feather family. You should take note that we intend to take out a super injuction over this matter, any person naming our client on any social networking site will have legal action taken against them from the safety of a court in the US
Mr Feather said the moment he saw Lady Forest he fell for her large soft tips! Lady Forest response to that was she could not resist Mr Feathers razor sharp wit! Lady Forest aslo released a statment saying her and Mr Simpson had grown apart he was no longer the man she married, in fact when we spoke with Mr Simson he did appear rather dense, and chubby. :lol:

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