Breaking in a born again virgin


LeJog 2022 Finisher
Well it has been some 30+ years since I last went the way of DE and as I posted on joining I have a newly developed wish to return to 'proper shaving' after having a single blade shave in a local barbers.

So thanks to you chaps and a return from sea gave me the opportunity last night to jump in once again and armed to the hilt with some newly purchased hardware and software. Merkur Futur, supplied Murkur blade (the only one I have at the moment so not much choice), Alvarez Gomez Agua de Colonia, a badger brush from the past, Dior aftershave and L'oreal moisturiser.

Followed all your hints, tips and 'you got this one wrong mate' guidance, plenty of hydrating, hot flannel, correct way to use a brush and away.

Absolutely no hassles whatsoever. It certainly is all about enjoying and taking in the whole experience. The Futur is one beast and a half after God knows how many years of cartridges. Now I understand what it is all about in the weight and the balance. This thing certainly needs zero input to shift the bristles and just a bit of guidance as to where it needs to be. No problems finding the correct angle and you just have to love the feedback you get from the razor. I am not sure as yet if it is the perfect razor as I find the head a bit on the large side to judge exactly where the sides are. But it is one very capable bit of equipment.

The cream I couldn't give enough praise to. Not like any other cream I've met before but really lathers up quickly and with great body. After The Body Shop cream this is a real sophisticated luxury. I still like the BS cream, but this a whole different level of performance.

Some razor burn and small burring of the skin as I still need to come to terms exactly how bloody sharp these blades are. Definitely need respect as I found out how costly a slight slip can be. They'll open you up without even thinking about it.

Not so sure about the after-shave as it stung like f*@k. Nothing a bit of cold water couldn't cure though and a touch of moisturiser took all the edge away. But shit I thought I'd been skinned alive and rolled in salt for a while.

The big plus points? Felt incredibly clean as if it all actually meant something and here I am some 24 hours later and the growth is less pronounced than I recall with cartridges as if the shave was that all so much closer. Enjoyed giving myself some personal time which is something I've never really been very good at. A Mrs who says I feel and smell better than any time in the past.

Lessons learnt? Brushes are more than just a function as I wrote elsewhere. Respect the blade, respect the blade and......respect the blade.

I don't see shaving being a daily routine any more, but then again I think there is going to be a period where my skin has to adopt to the DE experience. I obviously need more time to hone in my techniques and try other blades, creams etc

Bought some basic Witch Hazel today and a pack of 5 assorted blades arrived in the post. Guess having a few more than just the 'one' blade might help!

So thanks all you chaps and my experience won't just end here and I hope to be in a position where I can actually guide as against to be guided in due course.

And.............respect the blade
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