Boots Lather Shave Cream

Liverpool, UK
I was in Boots today and I saw "Cool Cologne Lather Shave Cream", for just £1.05 per tube. I've never seen it before, and obviously had to try it.

I had 3 days of stubble, so I wasted no time when I got home. I tried bowl lathering with a Rooney 3/1 Silvertip, starting with about the same amount as I'd use of Palmolive cream. And it was a disaster - all I could get from it was a thin runny gloop. I thought it might need more cream, but even with double the amount I'd usually use with creams, I could still only get the same runny gloop.

I did try using it for a shave, and it was just about thick enough to not run off. But the first few strokes, with a Gillette Single Ring loaded with an Iridium Super, were bad. No cushion, protection, glide - nothing at all. So I washed it all away and reached for my Martin de Candre.

Has anyone else tried this stuff? If so, did you have any more success than I did with it?
Oscroft said:
I was in Boots today and I saw "Cool Cologne Lather Shave Cream", for just £1.05 per tube. I've never seen it before, and obviously had to try it.

I have 3 days of stubble, so I wasted no time when I got home. I tried bowl lathering with a Rooney 3/1 Silvertip, starting with about the same amount as I'd use of Palmolive cream. And it was a disaster - all I could get from it was a thin runny gloop. I thought it might need more cream, but even with double the amount I'd usually use with creams, I could still only get the same runny gloop.

I did try using it for a shave, and it was just about thick enough to not run off. But the first few strokes, with a Gillette Single Ring loaded with an Iridium Super, were bad. No cushion, protection, glide - nothing at all. So I washed it all away and reached for my Martin de Candre.

Has anyone else tried this stuff? If so, did you have any more success than I did with it?

There is a brushless version of this cream available, which would probably behave in exactly this way if you tried to lather it with a brush by adding water. I've never tried the ordinary, non-brushless version, but I've read reviews which suggest that it's a decent cream - probably not as good as Palmolive, but then, IMO, notvery much is.:icon_razz:
There is a brushless version of this cream available, which would probably behave in exactly this way if you tried to lather it with a brush by adding water.

Yeah, I saw that too, but the instructions on mine say "Squeeze a small amount of cream on to a wet shaving brush..."

One thing I have noticed is that the only saponified fat in it appears to be Stearate (both Potassium and Sodium) - all my other creams are made from a variety of fatty acids.

in my opinion the 'cool cologne' shaving cream is not a good cream both smell and performance, however apart from this dreadful cream, Boots other shaving products 'Freshwood' range is good, as a matter of fact worth having them including; shaving soap in bowl, A/S and A/S Balm.
Sezer74 said:
'Freshwood' range is good, as a matter of fact worth having them including; shaving soap in bowl, A/S and A/S Balm.

That's interesting to know, thanks. I saw the shave bowl for the first time today, and I've had a sniff of the A/S before - and I have some points on my Boots card to use!

To follow up. I used it again this morning. It does require more water than usual. I just dip my brush tips in water until I get the lather I want. It does not produce lather as easily as most other creams I have tried. The lather is silky creamy and delivers a fine shave. If you are the sort that likes to look like Father Christmas before you shave give this a miss. But with a little more effort you will get an adequate amount of lather for a three pass shave.
I use this quite regularly although maybe not in regular rotation.

I quite like it, I find it needs more water that most of the creams I use and the lather is a little more gloopy but still goes on well. I think it is nice and slick and I have to say I rarely get a bad shave with it. Post shave feel is excellent as well.

Not sure why I don't use it more often - used it last Monday and really enjoyed the shave with it. I have also found that it doesn't like my badger very much - not sure if this is because of the way I bowl lather but it loves my Omega No.37

This could be just me though.
Oscroft said:
Sezer74 said:
'Freshwood' range is good, as a matter of fact worth having them including; shaving soap in bowl, A/S and A/S Balm.

That's interesting to know, thanks. I saw the shave bowl for the first time today, and I've had a sniff of the A/S before - and I have some points on my Boots card to use!


Fido is right, with some products it may take few times to get it right. However there was another thread not so long time ago about this cream, lots of people mentioning its not a very interesting cream. Personally its not my favourite, but the soap in bowl is good, the brushless cream is the only brushless cream I used and it does the job good but sticks to razor and it takes some rinsing to clear during shaving. A/S balm is good so as A/S but would be %100 if that nice smell would last bit longer
Fido said:
To follow up. I used it again this morning. It does require more water than usual. I just dip my brush tips in water until I get the lather I want. It does not produce lather as easily as most other creams I have tried. The lather is silky creamy and delivers a fine shave. If you are the sort that likes to look like Father Christmas before you shave give this a miss. But with a little more effort you will get an adequate amount of lather for a three pass shave.

That's interesting, thanks, I'll certainly give it another go. Rather than bowl-lathering next time, I might try loading it directly into the brush and then straight on my face - and maybe try it with a New Forest brush :icon_smile:

I actually don't like the Father Christmas style, but I do tend to find that a relatively thick and creamy lather seems to suit me better. So it might just be that it doesn't suit my style - but I won't give up on it yet.

Oh, and I was in Boots again today so I blew £2.60 in points from my Boots card and got a bottle of Freshwood aftershave - and it seems like nice stuff!
I've had another few tries at the Boots shaving cream, but the best lather I can manage is still pretty thin and runny. It's definitely not for me, and I'm afraid it's headed for the bin (I'd offer it as a PIF, but a tube costs less than the postage).

But the Boots Freshwood aftershave is excellent! The fragrance to me is woody/spicy, but quite subtle and not overpowering. And with glycerin, it's soothing on the skin (and not at all sticky the way some aftershaves with glycerin can be). What's amazing is the stuff only costs £2.60 a bottle! It really is one of the best shaving bargains out there.
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