Boots Cool Cologne Lather Shave Cream

Fido said:
Thought I'd give this a try. No sign of it in my Lymington Store. Had a chat. Was able to pay my £1.05 and will pick it up next Saturday. So if you don't see it, don't give up.

I have seen this in my local boots, am tempted to pick some up this weekend! I have only been testing creams etc since this Christmas when my interest in DE shaving was revived!

Having joined this forum, you lot are making it worse for me! I want to try everything in sight... Things like the boots and Palmolive creams I would have stayed clear of in the past!

I think I was just a bit snobish and would prefer what I would call newer fancier creams, I have no real justification, I guess I associated their price with their performance... I now know I am wrong as I have used these products and really rate them! I actually search for these types of cheaper creams now. I also never used to use soaps (as I never knew how to use a shave stick... I do now)

It has been good seeing all the difference brands that people use in this forum, including Boots on branded stuff, again, stuff I would have never used in the past, and always would have gone for thing like Gillette etc...
I think its a just a normal ordinary cream, I mean if you don't try it, you didn't miss much. I rather use ingrams to Cool Cologne. But if they make a shaving cream with that FreshWood smell, then I would use it more.
Don't dismiss the lower price tag as being an inferior product, I've just grated up three sticks of Wilkinson Sword shave sticks into a puck and enjoyed a very pleasureable shave. Very similar to Arko and Palmolive just a different scent. The Boots soap is very good, just in my opinion a more manly sort of smell.

Out of curiosity how long did that take you, I have never done it, and did you just put all the shavings into the bottom of a mug or did you actually shape it into a disc?

I know this wasn't aimed at me but what I did was buy a little ramekin from Asda. Then I grated about a third of Palmolive stick onto a board and tipped it in. I then squashed it down to have sort of a layer of it, then added a third more, then pressed it down, then the final third. So I did it in stages, I have no idea if it would all stick together if I did it all in one go so decided doing it in stages was the best bet. It took maybe 10 minutes?

Great thanks very much!

Basically I grated up three sticks of the Wilkinson Sword shave sticks (placed in the freezer for a few hours to make the grating easier). Put the gratings into a suitably sized container and then added a small amount of boiling water and via finger/thumb pressure compressed gratings into a solid block. I've never removed the "puck" but use it as it is within the container. I've done this procedure with a variety of soaps including Arko and Palmolive, I've even experimented with some hybrid soaps ie mixing Arko with Palmolive etc etc. all very therapeutic.