Body shop Macca Root Shave Cream

Isle of Wight
Just had to say I am totally loving the Body Shop Macca Root. Gorgeous aroma and so easy to load and lather with a lovely cushion to it. Have tried Tobs creams and to be honest I think Macca root as the beating of them.
Is it just me or does it have other fans out there?
Pew, nasty smell!
I liked how it performed, to be honest it's as good as TOBS because it is TOBS. (Or Creightons at any rate). Just an odd smell.

Interestingly the T+H "cheapo" line (No.10) smells very, very similar, kind of like tree bark. I'd bet they're not far apart in terms of production.
I always have a tub in use ,,Ive been a fan of it for some time now.
Its a great performer and terrific value for money.
I usually buy one when Body shop have their deals going.
regareds, beejay
My local Body Shop had an offer in 2010 and I got a tube and tub, but both are used up now. I bought another tube of Maca root last year but still haven't used it yet. I hope it keeps because I've just acquired loads of other stuff (Trumpers, D R Harris, Edwin Jagger) which has jumped the queue.

The Body Shop Maca root is pretty good stuff though, but I do miss their old coconut formulation they had years ago.
I prefer creams too. The Body Shop maca root is a great performer and my girlfriend uses mine as I hate the smell. It's not a strong smell but something about it really gets me - a nasty acrid smell.
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