Blobs on blades

Monday January 11, 2010
North London
I've noticed that some blades have blobs of glue (or something) on them. Sometimes this is on the edge of the blade, I wonder how much this may effect the sharpness of the blade at that point. Also I don't like the fact that the glue gets on to my shinny razor.

Anyone else have similar experiences, problems?
Yeah...the Russian Gillette Factory is certainly guilty of over engineering their glue spots.

I think trying to do something about them will probably prove quite hazardous and really unnecessary, turn the blade over so you wont see them, you won't notice any difference in performance and they should scrub off your razor easily enough.
I'm not a fan of the glue spot, and have certainly had the odd blade where the glue spot has gone over the sharp edge, which is less than ideal.

HM has the best idea. I try and remove them as good and as safe as I can, as I have had the odd one glue itself to the razor.

Audiolab said:
I have had that as well, take the razor apart and the blade is stuck to the head. Mostly it doesn't bother me unless it has got onto the cutting edge.
That exact thing happened to me for the first time last night. I thought it was going to be a major situation in terms of finger-lossage, but it turned out to be no big deal.
Thought I'd post here instead of starting a new thread.

Blobs don't bother me on the likes of Feathers where the blobs are small and toward the middle of the blade, however, as antdad said, Gillette are guilty and it has actually put me off trying 7 o'clock yellows. The first one out of the pack had 4 large wads of what looks like wood glue not just on the blade but on the actual blade edges. Scrape it off and run the risk of cutting myself and damaging the blade which in turn will result in me cutting myself during the shave.

You shouldn't be having to clean blades before you use them eh?

Also the 7 o'clock blade didn't like being loaded into a Futur, it just didn't seem to fit correctly, like the blade was just a baw hair too wee to fit perfectly.
Yes those Yellow 7 o'clocks are awful, send them to me I'll be happy to dispose of them for you. :p :lol: :lol:

Seriously I've not had problems with them either in the Futur or the blobs, try another blade. Yellow 7 o'clocks are probably my favourite blade, that or red Personas, Certainly I prefer them to feathers.

I could be wrong but I don't think the blobs are still there when I take the used blade out so perhaps the glue is water soluble.
I used Bolzano Superinox for the first itime last night and was impressed by how classy they were; the shave was quite good too.

None of those 4 ugly glue blobs on the blade with this product. Discreetly, 2 small dabs of oil are used to secure the inner, almost waxpaper-ish wrapper in the packaging process. Then there's a crisp, high-quality printed paper outer wrapper, and five of these dapperly clad blades are stored in an admirably fashioned card stock box, also with snappy, sophisticated graphics & typogragraphy.

Very swish for we simple pogonotomists.
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