Blade Review Spreadsheet

Chris - I got these from Trumans in Elm Hill, as mentioned before. Popped not here on Saturday o see what they had -answer very little a smattering of EJ hardware and a few blades but to much more!
I do like the Lab Blues and have some in those dispensers. Another hundred arrived from Uncle Sam this morning so getting decently stocked up now.

In my sleepy stupor, I cannot seem to find a link to Squire Pollington's spreadsheet of shaving sharpness. Can some one stop me from getting in a lather over this?

There you go squire.

WeeBeard to the rescue!

Top 3 for me on the LBs. I do like BiCs though and find them really sharp. They don't seem to get much love here and I hardly read of any being used in the SotD thread. I did note that Hermanito used one today, though. Also, I seldom need a shim in my EJ with a BiC and they last for a minimum of four shaves, usually five. The vintage Perma-Sharps graciously supplied by Occifer Hairsuite are good an' all and another that don't require a shim. The Daddy of them all however, is the late English Wilkie. Samuarai sharp and smoother than a pint of the finest IPA (Deuchar's, naturally ). Astras - no like; Yellows - same; Greens - worse; Super Iridiums - what's all the fuss about; Sputniks - very, very good indeed; Rapira Swedes - marvellous; Voskhod - purty good; Supermax Blue Diamond - utter shite; Shark stainless - slightly better. And so on and so forth....

Sorry nervous rehabilitation and calming down after 1pm appt. went well. :icon_rolleyes: :blush:
Hi stig your probably correct but just to confirm, on the spreadsheet the polsilver stainless has a picture with what I believe is a polsilver pack labelled super iridium, is the picture correct? thank you
Hi NotTheStig, I would like to download your spreadsheet, firstly as is for reference and secondly without your findings so I can track my own experience. It might be my lack of understanding, but I don't seem able to save / download the file. Any suggestions?
Hi Derbian. I think once you're in the document you can go to File and either download or save as. Something like that. You would want to save it as a Microsoft Office or Open XML document if given the option
Wow! What an valuable resource - my experience of the razors that I have tried so far would be ranked very much like you have.

Funny, though, my personal favourite so far: SuperMax Blue Diamond doesn't rank as highly as I subjectively like it. It's smooth, but not especially close. I concur. Again, for me, Polsilver Super Iridium absolutely rocks and Personna 'Labs' are very nice indeed - potentially a "stock" blade for me.