Blade Gap

Just interested in views on blade gap from guard bar on DE razors - in particular the Weber Polished. I have compared the gaps to my HD 34C and the gaps are noticeabley larger than the HD but the HD has an even gap on each side.

I have noticed a larger blade gap on one side compared to the other and shaving soap in the gap becomes even more noticeable. I can feel and hear the difference too on each side.


Edit - by 'gap on one side' I am referring to one guard bar edge blade gap compared to the gap between blade and the other (parallel) guard bar edge if that helps?
geezer said:
Just interested in views on blade gap from guard bar on DE razors - in particular the Weber Polished. I have compared the gaps to my HD 34C and the gaps are noticeabley larger than the HD but the HD has an even gap on each side.

I have noticed a larger blade gap on one side compared to the other and shaving soap in the gap becomes even more noticeable. I can feel and hear the difference too on each side.


if there's a difference in blade gap from one side to the other big enough to see then there's something wrong with the head.
geezer said:
Thanks all for the replies. I can see it.


If you can actually see the problem instead of just noticing the performance when shaving, that's not so good.

Looks like I congratulated you on that deal ending happily a little too soon. Sheesh.
I suspect this is going to get Carl leaping to the defence of Weber again, but this reinforces my impression that their QC isn't good enough. I know their razors are stainless rather than chrome-plated mazak or whatever the likes of EJ and Merkur use, but I doubt that the shaving experience is sufficiently superior to offset the higher price and QC problems.
chrisbell said:
I suspect this is going to get Carl leaping to the defence of Weber again, but this reinforces my impression that their QC isn't good enough. I know their razors are stainless rather than chrome-plated mazak or whatever the likes of EJ and Merkur use, but I doubt that the shaving experience is sufficiently superior to offset the higher price and QC problems.

Well, you'll have no argument from me.

My DLC is flawless, but my ARC head is much less so.

Far more disappointing is their woeful customer service.

It's a real shame as their razors (when they've not got blade gaps or poorly finished heads) are really excellent.
Their QC isn't good enough regardless of material used. I don't think 'made in the USA' , 'all stainless steel' etc is above the ultimate reason - performance and associated QC. The fact of it being cheaper than other SS razors is no excuse for lack of QC and am sure it would sell if higher priced with better QC.

I don't have a pic currently but believe me, there is a visible difference which may look small but can be heard during shaving.

It's ok Martin, you live and learn or perhaps sometimes just live ;)
Tall_Paul said:
chrisbell said:
I suspect this is going to get Carl leaping to the defence of Weber again, but this reinforces my impression that their QC isn't good enough. I know their razors are stainless rather than chrome-plated mazak or whatever the likes of EJ and Merkur use, but I doubt that the shaving experience is sufficiently superior to offset the higher price and QC problems.

Well, you'll have no argument from me.

My DLC is flawless, but my ARC head is much less so.

Far more disappointing is their woeful customer service.

It's a real shame as their razors (when they've not got blade gaps or poorly finished heads) are really excellent.

I wouldn't be worried about Carl saying anything he didn't believe was fair. If there was a problem with something he would mention it I think. He's not one to sugarcoat something, even if it might take a little while. I always like reading his point of view.

From what he recently wrote, it sounded like Ed mighta been playing hard to get. I might be wrong but it felt like the communications thing was an issue of some kind. Or maybe I just saw things incorrectly.

Anyway, this is the replacement razor......the one that should be pretty damn perfect you would think. The one that was checked and double checked at the factory before shipping.

From what I remember, the problems started with that one batch from a while ago and seem to have carried over till now. Before that batch I can't recall even a single QC issue with those razors. Seemed like each one was about perfect. Maybe Carl has some thoughts, because I just can't figure that out.

Well, sorry about the continued non fun deal. Is there a refund policy with those, just in case that's where this ends up?

Hi all

Hope you had a great Christmas.

Have been looking into this further and can get a better balanced blade gap with the comb one way than the other. I know for a fact the edges of the top cap (viewed looking directly down on the top cap) aren't straight but have a slight curve inwards towards the centre but not exactly in the centre.

Will post some pics as soon as possible to show this better hopefully.

This isn't a 'moan about weber' just trying to state findings. Cust svs have been quite good but perhaps I am seeking perfection in an artisan product? With the blade in its 'better position' the shave have been better and to be fair it does cut more hair in 2 passes with little irritation and beteer than the HD imo.

Here are some pics showing the problem :dodgy:

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