Bitdefender/Avantgate auto renewal warning.

Just a warning and a whinge.

If any of you guys use bitdefender as your anti virus (and its good)
be sure to check that you have ticked the box, or unticked the box
that allows for auto renewal.

My license was up today so over the last couple of months they have been sending me renewal notices. The price has gone down in each "please renew" email from £53 to £23 over the last month or so.

Last week I got a "as you haven't renewed, we will auto renew and take the funds directly" email, so fair enough I thought, Im happy with the product and
cant be arsed doing the research to see if I can get better for £23 , so I let it
auto renew.

Big mistake , the auto renew price was the original £53 and its just left my paypal.

Obviously I'm firing emails off left right and center and have opened
a ticket with paypal so we will see how it goes.
Well that was quick.

Paypal have refunded the money :)

Dont know if they've been stung in the past with automatic renewal.

LOL, it gets better.

I have just gone into my bank account to check whether the pens money had been refunded in and saw a £114 "Lloyd's ATM cash machine refund".

Not knowing anything about it and thinking it was a strange banking scam I've
just googled it.

Its a genuine refund for money that a cash machine has sucked back in
at anytime since 2005. I remember a good 6 years ago I was on
the way to a friends birthday, I had left work late and needed to drop the car at
home when I ordered £100 out of a garage cash machine, ran back to the car and was 500 yards up the road when I realized I'd left the cash in the machine.

When I got back the money had gone and I thought someone had whipped it.

check your accounts guys :)
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