Birthday shave suggestions

Hi all,

I'm getting bloody old. 36 I tell you. I'm nearly 40 for God's sake, and I still feel 18! :shock:

Anyway, my girl and I are going out for a nice meal and I want a bloody good shave tomorrow.

So... what shall it be?

Brush - Semogue LE 2009, Chubby 2 Super, Duke 3 Best, Alibaba 2, Rooney 3/1 (with freakishly long loft, must be a defect...), Semogue 1520, Savile Row 3122?

I am still in a world of confusion re: brushes. I just can't decide what I like. Hell, I don't even know who I am any more! :?

Soap: MB's Cocoa/Rosemary Mint/Dragon's Blood, Cade, Tabac, GFT Coconut, P160, Proraso

Cream: TOBS Rose, Almond, Lemon/Lime, St James, Shaving Shop, Palmolive, Speick, GFT Rose

Got to be the trusty HD with a fresh Feather! :mrgreen:

Feel feel to ignore this message, I'm drunk, but any suggestions welcomed! :shave


Hard to argue with Ollie's suggestions. Tabac is the best performing shave soap I've ever used. The only potential problem is that the scent can divide opinion. Do you like it? Does your girl like it? If it's a yes to both then there's no choice.

If the scent's an issue then one of the Mama Bears or Proraso are right up there too.

Whatever you do, take your time with the shave and enjoy it.

Happy birthday by the way!
Thanks guys! :D

I went with Taylor's Rose cream (lots!) and Chubby 2, bliss! :mrgreen:

Have a great festive season everyone, and hope Santa brings you lots of shaving goodies!

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