Birth Year Razors - sought & available

RE: Birth Year Razors - FOUND

Morning all,

I'm looking to track down my birth year razor an O2 date stamped Gillette Super adjustable (Black Beauty)

Does anyone have one that they are willing to sell please ?

Update- Managed to find one - Thanks
benthespaniel said:

Forward planning

My wee brother is 40 in 2016

I'd like a birth razor for him - 1976 August

Anything out there?

To Ben (above)

There are two 1976 Gillette SuperSpeeds available on eBay just now, they look reasonably priced and in good condition. Enter the search term 'vintage Gillette 1976'. They are both from American sellers that offer international delivery.

I noticed them whilst looking for my birth year which is (July) 1982, so far I haven't had any joy. I have been looking for a Gillette Super Speed\Adjustable, C3.Can anyone help me out please?!


Avionyx said:
As someone born in 1985 is there any hope for me finding a nice 'classic' to own as a birth year razor? Done some searches but just coming up with plastic looking cheapies.

Whilst browsing I come across this...
But it's not even pretending to be cheap! And it's in the states with all that that entails. However, I've never seen one that age before.

Sm304 said:
Avionyx said:
As someone born in 1985 is there any hope for me finding a nice 'classic' to own as a birth year razor? Done some searches but just coming up with plastic looking cheapies.

Whilst browsing I come across this...
But it's not even pretending to be cheap! And it's in the states with all that that entails. However, I've never seen one that age before.


This seems like a decent website to bookmark, it does seem a bit pricey for some items but it does have a pretty good selection of goods. With any luck they might add an 1982 razor at some point!

Thanks for the link.

hunnymonster said:
Following on from the Birth Year Razor thread, thought it might be worthwhile having a consolidated topic that those seeking can add their targets to, so when Sunburyboy goes antiquing he may or may not be able to pick up what you need with his legendary "arriving there just ahead of the competition" skill. Of course there are others of us not quite so lucky that still turn up the gear :D

So post your wants and "swaps" and lets see what we can do eh?

Hi. I'm just getting started on my DE collection and one or two Gillettes are proving hard to find. I'm especially looking for a nice 1970 Black Beauty but the ones on eBay are all Stateside, go real fast and for silly money if they are in good condition.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a UK source or has anyone got one to sell?
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