Better Razors?

A few months ago I brought a Hawk V3 off the BST and have been stunned at just how good it is.
Being my only SE I have other than a 1912 (that has a different blade), I was wondering is it about as good as it gets or are there others that you think might be better?
I understand it's all subjective but as I have no comparison, I really don't want to run into a rabbit hole testing tons of razors, my wife would go mad ha ha ha.
What are your opinions please?
Happy new year to you all.
A few months ago I brought a Hawk V3 off the BST and have been stunned at just how good it is.
Being my only SE I have other than a 1912 (that has a different blade), I was wondering is it about as good as it gets or are there others that you think might be better?
I understand it's all subjective but as I have no comparison, I really don't want to run into a rabbit hole testing tons of razors, my wife would go mad ha ha ha.
What are your opinions please?
Happy new year to you all.
I think it depends what you're after. Some of us get enjoyment from having razors that are pieces of art. I'm one of these people. My expense razors (AC/DE/Injector/GEM) don't provide a better shave than some of my lesser priced razors but they do improve the overall experience (entirely in my mind). If you want a nice razor, go for it. If you're after a better shave, you're probably not going to get better than what you've got with your Hawk V3 dialled in. A cheaper alternative to provide some variety are the other two plates for your Hawk - I believe there is a Standard, A and OC plate.
I think it depends what you're after. Some of us get enjoyment from having razors that are pieces of art. I'm one of these people. My expense razors (AC/DE/Injector/GEM) don't provide a better shave than some of my lesser priced razors but they do improve the overall experience (entirely in my mind). If you want a nice razor, go for it. If you're after a better shave, you're probably not going to get better than what you've got with your Hawk V3 dialled in. A cheaper alternative to provide some variety are the other two plates for your Hawk - I believe there is a Standard, A and OC plate.
A better shave was what I was looking if possible.
I have all the Hawk plates and I wanted to try and find out if I pretty much had it nailed with the one razor.
I also fully agree with pricing not meaning anything as my 3rd best DE is a £5 tech with Candy cane handle.
I am more than happy to buy 2 or 3 more SE's in pursuit of the perfect shave but I want try and avoid doubling my collection as I already suffer serious R.A.D
Ty for your input.
A better shave was what I was looking if possible.
I have all the Hawk plates and I wanted to try and find out if I pretty much had it nailed with the one razor.
I also fully agree with pricing not meaning anything as my 3rd best DE is a £5 tech with Candy cane handle.
I am more than happy to buy 2 or 3 more SE's in pursuit of the perfect shave but I want try and avoid doubling my collection as I already suffer serious R.A.D
Ty for your input.
No problem.

If you could change one thing about your Hawk, what would it be? Which is your favourite plate?
I think most vintage SE razors are better than DE razors. They just don't look as good or feel as solid.

Injector razors shave better than anything else I have. ...but they shave so well they are boring. I doubt I shave with them more than once or twice a year.

I do shave with a Rolls Razor several times a week, and I continue to be amazed that more people don't use them. They would easily be £500 razors if they were still made today. But you can pick them up for a tenner at any antique shop.
A better shave was what I was looking if possible.
I have all the Hawk plates and I wanted to try and find out if I pretty much had it nailed with the one razor.
I also fully agree with pricing not meaning anything as my 3rd best DE is a £5 tech with Candy cane handle.
I am more than happy to buy 2 or 3 more SE's in pursuit of the perfect shave but I want try and avoid doubling my collection as I already suffer serious R.A.D
Ty for your input.
You say you want a better shave, why? Are you not happy with the finish after you have shaved, if you are happy with the finish of your shave and your face is as smooth as you would like it then I would say how do you imagine a better shave to be?
Chances are no matter what razor you purchase next will not give you a better shave than you already get from your razor.
I was running around the better razor rabbit hole for years looking for that elusive razor and years later I realised that I had been chasing shadows.
Don't get me wrong, I had fun doing it and spent lots of money but my shave never really improved!
I know this but I will still buy another razor's every now and then but I'm no longer under the illusion that it will give me a better shave.
It's you money and your choice, only you can decide if you want to go down the rabbit hole! :)

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I think most vintage SE razors are better than DE razors. They just don't look as good or feel as solid.

Injector razors shave better than anything else I have. ...but they shave so well they are boring. I doubt I shave with them more than once or twice a year.

I do shave with a Rolls Razor several times a week, and I continue to be amazed that more people don't use them. They would easily be £500 razors if they were still made today. But you can pick them up for a tenner at any antique shop.
always wanted to try a rolls razor but a lot seem to worn out and i dont actually understand the ay it works,
whats the aggression level like on it?
always wanted to try a rolls razor but a lot seem to worn out and i dont actually understand the ay it works,
whats the aggression level like on it?
How aggressive can a small straight razor clamped to a handle be, they are not that bad to be honest, I've brought and sold lot's of them.
You may have to pick up a couple of cheap ones that need attention to make up a good set. Easy to use once you get over the fear of holding a very small straight razor on a stick up to your face, I like them.

How aggressive can a small straight razor clamped to a handle be, they are not that bad to be honest, I've brought and sold lot's of them.
You may have to pick up a couple of cheap ones that need attention to make up a good set. Easy to use once you get over the fear of holding a very small straight razor on a stick up to your face, I like them.

yea might have to keep an eye out on ebay for one thanks
You say you want a better shave, why? Are you not happy with the finish after you have shaved, if you are happy with the finish of your shave and your face is as smooth as you would like it then I would say how do you imagine a better shave to be?
Chances are no matter what razor you purchase next will not give you a better shave than you already get from your razor.
I was running around the better razor rabbit hole for years looking for that elusive razor and years later I realised that I had been chasing shadows.
Don't get me wrong, I had fun doing it and spent lots of money but my shave never really improved!
I know this but I will still buy another razor's every now and then but I'm no longer under the illusion that it will give me a better shave.
It's you money and your choice, only you can decide if you want to go down the rabbit hole! :)

All good points and the best shave is only the best until you discover better.
I guess what I am really after is looking for the same few razor's being listed as a top performers by people that have already ran around the rabbit hole testing tons of razors in this category.
I will then probably try 1 or 2 and if there is not much in it ie chasing shadows then I will know to look no further.
I hope it makes sense.
All good points and the best shave is only the best until you discover better.
I guess what I am really after is looking for the same few razor's being listed as a top performers by people that have already ran around the rabbit hole testing tons of razors in this category.
I will then probably try 1 or 2 and if there is not much in it ie chasing shadows then I will know to look no further.
I hope it makes sense.
Yes, perfect sense.
Sometimes you've got to scratch that itch! :)
Don't ask me though, I will lead you astray! :)

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