Best way to tackle stubble under the bottom lip?

I keep managing to cut myself under the bottom lip, half way down my chin. I have tried puffing it out, flattening it out, stretching it out. However, I always seems to slightly cut the skin whenever shaving over the area, post healing. Any recommendations?

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I have the same problem every now and then (for the past 50 years) and it isn't down to any particular razor, cream or soap. I find a mild razor and a light touch, re-lather the area, and do another pass (WTG) is about the only way to lessen the chance of a scrape.
I have a scar in that part and I do one of two things.
Firstly, the problem is eliminated by using an SE. I also have a bump of skin (uncoloured mole?) on my top lip that usually gets nicked by a DE, never by SE so I'm surmising that the stiffer blade helps to move the skin out of the way.
As for DE, I put my thumb inside my bottom lip and push it out. I have more sensation of the blade therefore less cuts. I also use my thumb to push out the corners of my lips where I seem to have a number of stainless steel wires sticking out. These are extremely difficult to cut, especially as I have quite a few on the actual lips.
Thumb inside lip? Shove a spatula down your gob? Have some dignity.

You're probably trying to dig out the growth in the recess above the chin, as the contour changes I had to learn to rotate the razor head lightly without catching and with as little pressure as poss. Stretching say over bottom teeth just causes me irritation so I don't bother, just use a normal posture.
Yep that's the area (recess above chin). I thought I had the angle right, with all things straight razor related if the angle is wrong you know, guess I still need to address the angle.

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Our tongues have many uses and this is another. First tension the skin by grimacing, sticking your chin out, curling your lower lip over your teeth. What that misses, get by sticking your tongue in front of your teeth. All this o your final ATG pass.
I didn't realise your query was about straight use, well the problem is the same as it's about access. Just try and avoid digging out cos you'll never be able to create the right angle if you have any sort of chin.

Edit: I notice the blubbering lisper has lost a bit of weight and gone all quiffy, can you shed weight from your tongue too? I didn't know.
Sorry Tony its for a DE just that I find it easier with a straight, no safety bar getting in the way.

Carl tried the whole tongue/tension technique no good for me unfortunately I think the angle is the issue.

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No nothing to do with my partner this is me wanting to be clean shaven. Not a major difficulty just keep getting knicked, which I would obviously prefer not to.

With a Mach 3 I have no issues in this area except white heads which pop up after using the cartridge. This made me think it was a tension/angle issue (given the head pivots on the cartridge) saying that it's those two variables that are obviously the culprit, having tried different razors/soaps/blade etc. The ATT M1 has the least issue (1 knick in 4 shaves) so maybe an aggression thing.

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Try a little bit of gurning, i.e. flex your bottom lip towards your mouth as it may give a better angle

Alternatively if its a case of thin skin, straight rather than scalloped safety bars may help. I use them almost exclusively now due to a few moles which used to cause me problems
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