Best Shaving Creams?

+1 for Palmolive. Superb value and pleasant scent.
Never tried the body shop one, but didn't like the smell.
Had a tub of TOBs grapefruit. Amazing scent, didn't like how I felt dry after using it. Shame really.
Nannys soft soaps are fab.
Cella I didn't get on with, I'm giving it another go having touted it in the disappointments thread. Great scent, can get it to work for me - but maybe with perseverance.
You are right Globalm, there is nothing "too far"".
I must admit to never having tried the Palmolive. It sells I think for around £1.20 or so, and thought it would not be up to much. Others have mentioned it so I must try it.
I do like a truly aromatic/scented cream, so tended to stay with TOBS, but it looks like I have a lot more to try.
Is that not terrible!!!!!??
For the price and availability it's hard to beat Ingrams, Palmolive and Erasmic.

Stepdad used Palmolive and a brush for at least 25 years that I know of.

Ingrams is no good for me as it has lanolin and dries my skin too much. The other two plus nivea sensitive from Sainsburys and the erasmic soap bowl are what I use now and sometimes I'll get something else on holiday. I'm not bothered about scents with sosps and creams but theb erasmic bowl has a nice herby lavender smell.
Certainly looking for an aromatic shaving cream.

Hi there,

If you like lime or lavender then Castle Forbes is what you want. Excellent scent and performance. Stay away from the cedar stuff though.

I haven't heard of the Penhaligons creams being screwed up and would suggest one of those also. Very good performance and classy scents to em.

J. Peterman is a US based company that makes a real nice '1903' cream that smells quite good. Also has a matching EdT available.

Finally, the DR Harris creams are well done and not pricey......they make very good soaps too.

The Palmolive creams made in Italy are some of the best IMO. Ironically, I think they work better (and certainly cost less) than several of the 'boutique' creams/soaps. That said, I hate to sound like a shill for Erasmic, but their cream is perhaps the best made for the price, bar none. ;)
So, a lot of creams/soaps to try. Palmolive, Penhaligons, Castle Forbes, Forbes Cedarwood, Erasmic, etc.
I think I am going to need a shop purely devoted to creams & soaps.
J. Peterman is a US based company that makes a real nice '1903' cream that smells quite good. Also has a matching EdT available.
Agreed. Though it is a very dry 'cream' (not liquid or tacky). Excellent performance.
I didn't get along with Castle Forbes cream, great scent but I couldn't build a decent lather out of it. Sold it ages ago.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Baume.Be cream. Not much scent but the performance is phenomenal.
Speaking of scents, Xpec Original smells like hot-garbage to me. Couldn't stand it at all. Xpec Unscented is still in my stash and is very good.
No Marty!
The Forbes Cedarwood is superb, more subtle than the limes and lavender. A lovely buttery woody fragrance.

Oh man, I remember huffing that stuff when it first came out and wondering what the hell Mr. French was thinking of. Good as the lime scent is, it's just so odd how that cedar thing turned out and the reviews were mixed at best. To me it's got a mushroom/dirt thing going on and needs to be sampled before a purchase.

Hah, always fun to see someone telling me what my nose thinks. Thanks for setting me straight and telling me what I like.

Erik, I believe you are talking about the newer Xpec version and not the original Original stuff....heh. That older cream has a great dirty rose kinda scent that C&S tries to accomplish with the #88 frag. Top tier performance to boot.

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Agreed. Though it is a very dry 'cream' (not liquid or tacky). Excellent performance.
I didn't get along with Castle Forbes cream, great scent but I couldn't build a decent lather out of it. Sold it ages ago.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Baume.Be cream. Not much scent but the performance is phenomenal.
Speaking of scents, Xpec Original smells like hot-garbage to me. Couldn't stand it at all. Xpec Unscented is still in my stash and is very good.
"Smells like Hot - Garbage"....I like that one....I have been using Palmolive Shaving Cream of late and that would accurately describe that for me and its making my face itch like Hell....:eek:

Hot - Garbage - to the Garbage Bin....:D
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